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Annabel's POV

"Can you pass me that plate?" I ask Greta extending my hand. I am helping them in kitchen.

"Really? Not even a word?" Greta asks giving me the plate and stand in front of me.

"Non (No)." Greta and Melody are asking me whether we spoke or not. It's been a week now, since I have started working in Lucas's company. So, far, the work, colleagues and the work life has all been good. In fact, I like it so much. I forget about all the drama and can finally focus on something. It makes me feel... Liberated. I can now say I have friends outside the palace. They are a delight.

But as far as it comes to Lucas and me, there is... nothing. I mean... there is so much going on. We have got closer. We text and he really likes my work, as per Daniel said. But, did we talk? Non. We just... didn't. He dropped me and Gemma home at least thrice this week. That didn't go unnoticed by Felisa. She still doesn't like me going to work, but doesn't say anything.

Lucas and I... I don't know. Do we really have to put things in words? I am excited and want to talk to him. But I don't know why I am scared. At this point, it's slowly turning into a competition on who is going to talk first and one of these days, I feel like I will lose since I have to speak or answer my boss at some point if we are in meetings together.

"You know that you can't keep going on like this, right?" Melody asks. I nod my head at her. I was about to say something, when Felisa enters the kitchen. She gives me a sharp look.

"Bring out the food. Everyone will be at the table in a minute." She orders and walks out. I don't look at her.

Today is Saturday. Lucas's family is here and they have discussed about opening a new company jointly. Marcus, the investor of the project has arrived and they all greeted each other. Everyone knows him, except for me. I am meeting him for the first time. He seems like a polite gentleman that's in his late twenties. Even I attended the meeting. Felisa didn't want me to, but Papa held my hand and made me sit down. Lucas and I did sneek a few glances in the middle.

Three ideas were put forward. Everyone went with the Oil and Petroleum and the other is Manufacturing company. Both families liked the ideas and decided to make a final decision once they have analized pros and cons of both ideas. Apparently, the project needs a lot of funding and Marcus is the one doing that.

Once, the meeting is done, I come to kitchen to help. Felisa didn't ask me to, but I wanted to run away from them all. It feels strange to be in a room with all of them and my heart is just going up and down with Lucas there. I can't help the smile whenever he looks at me and I am just... Ugh!

Greta and Melody take the food to the table and come back in. I just sit there.

"Don't want to go out? Everyone's here." Melody says.

"Non. Felisa wouldn't like it if I joined them. I don't want to make a scene in front of everyone." My mind goes back to the time she threw wine at me in front of all of them. I just can't. She hands me a glass of water and I take it. I hear footsteps. Turning around, I find Lucas. He is standing there, in the kitchen, with all his charm and a smile. Oh my! How can I handle that? Melody and Greta look shocked.

"Can I have some water?" He asks them, while looking at me.

"Sure." Greta goes to help, but Melody pulls her.

"Anne, why don't you help him? We have to... um... take the things... out." She says and Greta nods her head in agreement. They both rush out of the kitchen. He takes a step into the kitchen and I take one back. What is this? I can't believe they betrayed me right when I need them! Oh, he's coming close. I put down the glass I was holding. As he takes another step towards me, I turn around and take an empty glass. I hear his footsteps and know that he is getting closer. Picking up the bottle near, I open the cap.

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