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Lucas Alberto's POV

"Are we going to tell everyone we broke up?" I ask as he runs the back of his finger down my arm. I adjust the blanket as I pull it up to cover my breasts. We are both naked after our heavy and intense love making session. He did not stop until he proved a point that I am his and he is mine and there is no one else for us. I am in his lap breathing in his scent as he pulls down the sheet to knead my breast.

"No!" He tweeks my nipple and I gasp. "Not after I just got you."

"Then how do we fake break up?" If we don't tell everyone, how is she going to believe?

"She is not going to believe if we tell everyone right away. It would spook her and she would know we are playing her." That's true. "We need to be passive towards each other. Just enough to make her think that we have broken up." That makes sense. "We are not going to fake it for long. She will soon fall in our trap and we will do as we planned once she falls for it."

I hope everything goes as we have planned.

"It's going to be hard to stay away from you, Angel." He whispers as sucks on my neck. It's going to be hard for me too.

"I can't even see your eyes." Gemma complains as Lucas goes to her, to hug her.

"That is the point of these glasses." He informs and she shakes her head at him as they pull away. I am standing at the opposite end of the room.

It's been two weeks since we started our charade. It is harder than we think. Papa was discharged two days after he has been admitted in the hospital. I have moved back into the mansion to take care of Papa. There is no way I am leaving him there alone. Felisa was not happy with it of course, but I don't care anymore.

I make sure to show her that I am in a grumpy mood. Whenever Lucas visits, he puts on a serious face. He never removes those shades. We maintain our distance. He told Gemma that we broke up. I really hate brining her into this, but Lucas insisted. Gemma did not leave Papa's side and never did I. Lucas and I have been really careful not to get caught.

I even changed his number on my mobile. I have been on leave from the office work for the past two weeks. My colleagues, now my friends, have called me a few times this past week. Strangely enough a call from them would lighten my day and brings me a strange strength and comfort.

Last night Luca stayed back in Gemma's room to make it more believable to Felisa. She is slowly starting to believe us.

Today we are all meeting in our mansion to discuss about the business they are about to start together. It has been postponed since two weeks. We wanted to postpone it for two more weeks, but Papa grew tired to just staying at home.

Everyone sat down. Me and Gemma sit next to Papa. It's nearly evening and Lucas still has those glasses on. I remember the time he started putting them on.

He dropped me off at the back side of the hospital so that no one would notice and asked me to go up first. He put on those glasses as he came out of the car to say goodbye. "I can't stop myself from looking at you and I don't want Felisa to notice that."

I just stare at him and it looks like he is looking at Gemma, but I know he is staring at me. Without our eye contact, our telepathy is a little difficult. I look at Felisa and find her staring intently at me. I quickly look away from her and turn my attention to what Papa and Mr. Alberto are speaking. I could not concentrate on it much longer.

As I go to the kitchen to grab some water, I walk past Lucas and his scent hits me hard. I feel all the senses in my body increase and I want to just hug him. I quickly walk past him before I lose control and kiss him. It's been a week since I kissed him. Other than the secret kiss we had in my room when he visited Papa last week, we have been apart and it's been driving us both insane.

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