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Annabelle Piccolo's POV

I clutch Lucas's shirt in my fist as I try to control my tears. I am wrapped in his arms as my face is buried in his chest. His effort to comfort me does nothing like it usually does. The image of Papa with all the wires hooked to him burns in my mind again and again and I feel like I might fall apart.

All of the family members are present here in the hospital. As soon as possible, we brought Papa to the hospital. It's been two hours and the doctor is still diagnosing him. Gemma is barely holding on too. Her face is smeared with tears. Felicia is trying to console. Anger swivels in my chest. The fact that she changed the pills... The fact that Papa has been put under danger...

I never felt this angry before. Not with all the injustices she has thrown my way.

The Doctor walks out with Papa's file and we all hold our breaths. Lucas's hold on me tightens. No amount of comfort from him is putting me at ease like it usually does.

"How is he?" The words leave my mouth before I can even comprehend.

"He is stable for now. We are changing the prescription to increase the dose." He gives out the prescription and Gemma takes it from him.

"What's the cause?" Gemma asks and my eyes immediately land on Felisa. She is looking at the Doctor intently waiting for him to answer.

"It seems there is no progress in his health. His Blood Pressure is high and this time it's a near miss. There is a high chance he could have another Heart Attack. He needs to be put in observation for two more days." My heart feels heavy and I let out a breath. "I am sorry to say this, but you can't visit him today. You can visit him tomorrow." He says as he leaves.

Everyone remains silent. Ms. Alberto goes to Felisa to console her and puts her hand on her shoulder. Felisa who doesn't look least sad then changes her expression and puts on a sad face. I feel anger course through me and I take a step towards her only to be stopped by Lucas. I then remember that I am still in his arms. My eyes find his and he shakes his head. Soon we hear a sob and find Gemma crying.

My heart lurches out. I want to hug her. How can I tell her that her own mother is trying to kill our father?! I look at Lucas and nod my head towards Gemma. I know she needs him the most now. He gives me the look.

Are you sure? His eyes speak. I give him an assuring nod.

It's fine. She needs you.

Okay. He places a kiss on my temple and gives me a squeeze before going to hug Gemma. She immediately breaks into sobs and I had to stifle my own. My eyes don't leave Felisa though. She pulls away from Ms. Alberto and sniffs. I can't believe her acting. I know that she is not the most kind person in the world, but I thought at least she never faked them. She is what she is whether people liked her or not. But going for Papa's health is not something I thought she is capable of. After all she always yearned for his love and attention.

"I will come back in a minute." She says and Ms. Alberto nods. Felisa leaves and something in me bugs me to follow her. I want to confront her. I know it's still not confirmed that she might be the one who changed the pills, but I know in my heart she is capable of that. There is no on in the world who would want to hurt him.

I stand there deciding on what to do as she leaves. My eyes meet Lucas's who is consoling Gemma. My eyes land on her crying form. I need to confront her. I have to. This is for Papa. I know it's her mother, but this is our father. I can't let anyone in this world harm him. No one.

Turning around, I walk away and turn around the corner to find Felisa on her phone. She is speaking in a low tone and I can't hear her. I slowly walk up to her. Her back is facing me so she can't see me.

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