Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Annabelle Piccolo's POV

I wore a normal track pant and t-shirt and went downstairs to the kitchen to help Melody. She is the head chef and takes care of almost everything in the house. She is a very kind person and is fourty five years old. I went to the kitchen and instantly a smile spread in my face by seeing the maids, who are my friends.

"Hey, Anna!", everyone greeted.

"Hey, guys! What are we going to do today for lunch?", I asked leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Nothing special. But there are a lot of things that need to be done by tonight", Sophia said while stirring something in the pan that is on the stove.

I nodded my head at her understandingly.

"Are you not going to ask why? As we all know that the Duke", Greta, one of the maids, pressed on the word Duke while looking at me with a smile on her face and I blushed a little, "is coming and there is a party tonight. So, we need to make so many items that are listed by Melody", she said grinning wickedly. I smiled at her and the other laughed by seeing my blush.

"Tell me what I should do today. What help can I do?", I asked while looking at them.

"You.... don't need to help us today", I heard Melody say as she entered the big kitchen.

"What?", I asked her with pure confusion in my voice and face. I always help them while cooking. That's why my step-mother has sent me here to help them. I get bored by just sitting in my room. Melody looked at other girls and they all grinned at her and then me.

"You need to get ready for the party tonight", she said and all the others agreed. On hearing that, I stood up straight.

"I can get ready in the evening", I told her like it's obvious.

"No dear. We need to make you look beautiful. More beautiful. Not that you are not now, but.... you know what we mean", she said while pointing to all the girls. I looked at her confused again.

"Why do I need to look more beautiful?", I said pressing on the last two words. Melody came to me.

"We all know what you have a very big crush on him, on Lucas, since you were a child Anna", she said.

I looked down shyly.

"Now he is going to see you after seven years. Don't want to look beautiful when you go in front of him?", she asked.

Go in front of him? It means he will see me. I knew I will see him, but I never thought the other way. Would he recognize me if I go in front of him? The thought of him not recognizing me, just pains.

"So.... we are buying you a new dress and doing your hair and everything", she said looking at me from my head to toe.

"But Melody, do you think he would still remember me?", I asked her while voicing out my fear.

"I don't know. But my heart says he will", she said smiling warmly at me. I smiled back. I hope so.

"Now go. Greta will help you. I will manage the evil witch!", Melody said, referring to my stepmother.

"Don't call her that. She is not that bad", I said defending.

"Sorry. But that is what she is", she said shrugging. I shook my head at her.

Just as I and Greta were about to go out of the kitchen, my father came in. My face lit instantly on seeing him.

"Bell, darling! Good morning!", he greeted cheerfully in his Italian accent. He is the only person who calls me Bell.

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