♡Chapter 34♡

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One week has passed by and Taehyung was out of the hospital after 3 days of being there. He was happy to be back home with Ki-woo, but Taehyung has been stressing for a couple of days he wanted to visit Jeongguk but at the same time he didn't which made Taehyung stressed out, but today he decided to go visit Jeongguk.

So he got ready...


After walking for a bit he made it to his house finally, he rang the doorbell and waited out the door for a while until the door opened revealing a girl with long brunette hair, who was wearing a silk robe. The robe made it so you can see her curves. A wave of jealousy hit Taehyung, making him put up a fake smile.

"Hello who are you?" she asked

Right when she said that Taehyung wanted to tell her that he was Jeongguk's ex and that Jeongguk was the kid of his son but instead Taehyung said putting up his best fake smiles,  "I'm one of Jeongguks friends, Taehyung"

"Oh well nice to meet you, I'm his wife Jennie," she said, opening the door wider so he can come in.

"Nice to meet you, Jennie," he said, not having an interest in her at all, he didn't want to have a conversation with her at all.

"Sit down, ill be back let me call Jeongguk that your here," she said as Taehyung took a seat on the couch right as she walked out of the couch. He heard a voice coming from the hallway; it was the voice he never thought he would hear again.

"Tae? What are you doing here?" Jeongguk asked surprised. Taehyung looked up at Jeongguk who was only wearing his sweat pants and was shirtless.

He sighed, feeling his anger rising but he remained calm, "You said you wanted to meet one of these days so here I am."

"Right. Let's go to a café and talk about it yeah?" Jeongguk whispered in his ear right when Jennie walked out of the room...

"Sure yeah whatever..."

"Babe me and Tae will be back," he told her when she passed the hallway, but then he pulled her in for a small kiss, making Taehyung look away.

"Alright but hurry up since today is movie day," she chuckled as she did a little dance while smiling at Jeongguk and handing him his sweatshirt, to put it on.

"Bye Gguk I love you."

"Love you too baby" after he said that he grabbed Taehyung by the hand and dragged him away, closing the door behind him and heading towards the car. Taehyung yanked his arm from his hold making Jeongguk look at him, Taehyung got in the car before he could say anything.

Jeongguk then got in the car and started driving to the nearest café.

The car ride was extremely awkward, not Jeongguk or Taehyung not speaking a single word, finally, they made it to the café both of them getting out of the car at the same time, and closing the door beforehand. They entered the building and sat down from across from each other.

"So Taehyung, how are you.."

"Jeongguk just get to the damn point, I'm not here to start a fucking conversation with you and pretend that I'm fine"

"Okay okay, I'll get straight to the point...I wanna be in my son's life,"

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