Chapter 2

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As the buyers arrived in their fancy cars, I used my hearing to hone in on what Maisie was doing. She was beginning to inch her way along the outside wall, three stories above the front steps. Instantly I was worried. If she slipped and fell, she would surely die. Please be careful, I thought anxiously.

Maisie made it to the roof, where she went over to her grandfather's room. I knew what she was about to find, and I felt sorry for her. Climbing in the window, Maisie tried to wake Benjamin up, but he would never wake up again. Maisie soon realized this, but she had no time to mourn because Mills was coming, shouting for Iris, so she grabbed some book on Benjamin's lap and ran into the miniature elevator next to the door. Mills entered and called for Iris again before sitting on the bed. 

I heard Maisie crying silently as Iris came in. Mills dismissed Iris from caring for Maisie, but Iris said something that confused me before she left. "I raised her. I raised...both of them."

I heard Maisie gasp quietly as I puzzled over what this could mean. Both of them? Did Maisie have a twin sister? 

Maisie used the small elevator to descend down to my level. Was she coming to see me? No, I thought. Why would she? She just screamed at me and ran away. She must have forgotten about me.

Meanwhile, I heard Owen and Claire have a "This is my fault" "No, it's mine" discussion. I grew annoyed at that. Those types of discussions never solved anything. 

Soon their discussion ended as the dinosaur next to them woke up. Owen noticed and whistled at it. The little thing bashed the wall at his whistle, and Owen exclaimed, "We're getting out of here." I smiled. I might have some allies, if I could show them I wouldn't hurt them. 

On ground level, the auction started as Owen kept whistling and getting the little dinosaur to bash the wall. Thy sold about 6 dinosaurs before the little guy smashed through the wall into Owen and Claire's cage. Owen get its attention before getting it to smash their door open. The little hardheaded dinosaur wandered off. 

Suddenly I heard Maisie crying. She was standing behind the two adults, sniffling. Claire heard her whimpers, and turned around. Maisie ran toward the little elevator while Claire called out, "Hey! Wait! Please, please wait!" as the two adults ran after her. Maisie got in the little elevator before partially closing the door. Owen and Claire slowed to a stop about 20 feet away from Maisie, who was still crying. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to break out of this cage, go over to her and hold her in my arms. I wanted to comfort her so badly, it hurt.

"That's Lockwood's granddaughter," Claire whispered to Owen. Owen looked at Maisie before saying, "Hey. Hey, kid. You wanna come down outta there?"

Maisie shook her head, still whimpering. Claire spoke up, saying "Do you remember me?"

Maisie nodded. Huh? I wondered. When did Claire ever come here? I didn't remember ever hearing her voice here. Maybe she was here that one day when I slept. "Yeah? My name's Claire, what's yours?"

"Maisie. Maisie Lockwood."

"Maisie," Claire said in a kind voice. I knew they were trying to comfort her, but I felt a twinge of jealousy. She doesn't need your comfort. She needs mine! 

"This is my friend, Owen." said Claire, gesturing to said person. 

"I-saw you, with the Velociraptors, and Blue-" Maisie spoke. So that's where I had heard him before!

"Oh, oh yeah?" Owen responded. "Hey, you like dinosaurs?"

Maisie nodded, and Owen said, "Hey, so do I. Tell you what, you come on down from there, I'll tell you everything you need to know about Blue. Is that alright?" Maisie nodded.

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