Chapter 7

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"What's the situation, sir?"

"Someone reported a dead body at 424 E Brookside St. There's already an ambulance there, we're heading there to secure the area and to ask a few questions to the witness," Joshua replied to the young recruit's question. Him, the young recruit, and a detective had been called out for a late-night call, which had not improved Joshua's attitude in the slightest. He was not a night owl, and sleep was trying to take him into its comforting embrace. Joshua fought it off, however. He had a job to do, but he was going to have something to say at the end of this.

Joshua and the rest of the police force had returned to headquarters and reported their finds, also turning in the USB containing the security footage's recordings from Lockwood Mansion, which would be reviewed in the morning. Just as Joshua had been about to call it a night, this call had come up, and the sheriff had insisted that he go and "deal with it".

Joshua silently cursed as he drove the police car with its siren blaring around a corner, tires screeching. There in front of him was the scene of the crime, an ambulance sitting there with people talking to a pale-faced man. Near him was a limp form, blood pooling around it. Joshua pulled up, shutting his siren off and stepping out of the car, followed by the recruit and the detective. "Secure the area," Joshua told the man, and he walked over to the man sitting on the ground. A man and a woman were sitting in front of him, talking to him in kind voices. The man was obviously scared out of his wits. His rapidly-moving eyes were wide and bloodshot, his body was trembling, and he was breathing shallowly. It looked like he was about to go into shock.

"This the caller?" Joshua asked one of the doctors. He nodded. "Yep. When we got here he was going into shock. We're just managing to keep him out of it, but he will need to go to the hospital. We kept him here so you could ask him a few questions."

Josh nodded, turning to the detective, who was examining the body. Joshua stepped closer and froze when he noticed the expertly slit throat. 

He knew that cut. He has seen the exact same slit on all the bodies at the mansion.

Ripper had been here.

Swallowing nervously and forcing his emotions down, he turned to Detective James Bradley. "Well? What do you make of it?"

"Never seen anything like it," Detective James replied, kneeling over the body. "He was killed by an animal, but what's strange is the fact that the body isn't mauled. I would say someone knifed him if not for this." He held up the snapped pistol and the claw marks. Joshua stared, wide-eyed. Ripper was ridiculously strong. He gulped, suddenly feeling something he hadn't felt in over a decade.


Detective James noticed Joshua's expression. "Something wrong?" he asked.

Joshua shook his head. "I think I know what did this, but...I need to ask the witness first." 

Turning from the body(and Detective James's inquisitive look) Joshua made his way over to the scared man, who looked calmer than before. He was shivering less violently, and his face was less taught. Good, Joshua thought. Makes it easier to ask questions.

"Is the patient stable enough to answer questions?" Joshua asked one of the people talking to said man. The man turned and nodded. "Yes he is. We managed to calm him down enough to learn his name. Micah." Joshua nodded as the doctor stepped back, and Joshua knelt down in front of Micah.

"Sir, I need to ask you a few questions," Josh began. Micah hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I...I was on my midnight walk," Micah began. "when that man" -he pointed to the dead body- "came out of nowhere and pulled me into an alley, demanding my money! He had a gun, and I thought I was gonna get shot!"

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