Chapter 3

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I roamed the halls, trying to find Maisie's smell. I encountered a few guards, but I killed most of them. I spared one because his eyes told me that he didn't deserve my wrath. He looked new, like he had just been hired or something. So I left him alone, knowing he hadn't actually hurt any creatures.

I was creeping through a dark hallway when in front of me, Maisie, Claire and Owen ran past, aiming for a door. I almost jumped out at them, but two guards and Mills showed up, stopping the threesome from going any farther. The guards were right in front of me. I crouched, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"You two, you deserve each other," Mills spoke up. "Maisie, come with me."

"You got your money. Walk away." Owen replied, slightly out of breath.

"Oh, what're you gonna do, huh?"

"We're gonna stop this. All of it." Claire shot back, raising her voice. 

"How?" Mills asked loudly. His voice hurt my ears, but I held back. Not yet... "You gonna go back in time before Hammond decided to play God? You can't put it back in the box!"

"We have to try."

"It's too late. Maisie, come."

Owen moved in front of Maisie protectively while Claire pulled her close. "Ooooooohhhhhh, so, you're gonna take care of her now, huh? You have no idea what she is."

Maisie is not a thing! I thought with anger. Just as I was preparing to charge, Mills continued. "Whaddaya think drove Hammond and Lockwood apart, huh? Lockwood never had a grandchild. He just wanted his daughter back."

I almost gasped as my brain connected the dots. "And he had the technology. He created another. He made her again."

I decided to puzzle this out later. I had heard enough. I charged into the two soldiers, knocking them into the opposite hallway and pinning them to the floor. I glared into their eyes as they screamed in terror. In those eyes, I saw fear, which was expected. But deeper than that, I saw evil. I roared in their faces before slicing their throats. I proceeded to eat one of them before leaving the other and moving back into the hallway. I listened carefully. The three people were making their way towards the room with the fossils. I knew a different route there, however. A faster route. 

It took less than a minute to arrive at the dark gallery. There was a guard there, but I quickly killed him, knocking him to the floor. At that moment, Owen, Claire and Maisie cautiously entered the hall. I hid behind the big skull in the middle of the room, hoping they couldn't see me in the dark.

The three humans slowly approached the skull. I reached out before yanking the guard's body towards me and eating his arm. I walked closer to the three, who had hidden behind the skull. The three moved around to the other side of the skull from me. Owen began to reach for the gun the soldier dropped, but Claire yanked him back. At this time, I decided to talk to Maisie.

"Maisie?" I asked softly, stopping. I heard her inhale sharply before holding it. "Maisie, I know you're here. I can hear your heartbeat, and I can smell you."

Maisie still remained hidden. I sighed. "You're right on the other side of this big skull here," I told her, tapping the skull lightly. Maisie started to breathe shallowly. 

"Maisie, why are you running from me? I swear I will never hurt you. If I had planned to kill you and your friends, you would be dead already." 

Maisie's heartbeat began slowing down. It was working! "Maisie, I will always be your friend. Forever. Please remember that." I told her as I slowly moved clockwise around the skull towards her.

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