Chapter 10

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I looked up from my computer at the knock on my office door. Pietro poked his head in and grinned when he saw me.

"Hi, Y/n," he said.

"Hey, Pietro," I replied. "How can I help?"

Pietro cleared his throat.

"Would you like to go get lunch with Wanda and I during your lunch break?" he asked.

I grinned at him.

"I'd love to," I replied. "My lunch break is from twelve to one."

Pietro nodded and told me to meet them in the common area when my break started. I smiled as I got to work, excited for lunch.

I'd started getting closer to all of the Avengers, but mainly Wanda and Pietro. They were both my age, so I was able to connect with them more.

Wanda was beautiful inside and out. She was always looking out for everyone's happiness, but she was ruthless if you hurt someone she cared about.

Pietro was amazing. He was funny and kind and very playful. He liked to joke about and was rarely serious about anything. He had a carefree type of air to him, except when it came to the people he cared about. He cared about them strongly and did anything and everything to keep them safe and happy.

When my watch hit twelve o'clock, I got up and grabbed my bag and coat. I took the elevator to the common area where Wanda and Pietro were waiting for me.

"Oh no!" Wanda said as soon as she saw me. "I completely forgot that I'd promised to work out with Bucky today!"

I cocked my head and Pietro turned and glared at her. Wanda sighed loudly, but it seemed a bit acted.

"I guess you two will just have to go together," she said. "Toodles!"

She gave both of us a wave and skipped out of the room, Pietro glaring a hole into the back of her head. He shook his head and glanced to me with a sheepish smile.

"Shall we go, then?" he suggested.

I nodded and we made our way to the front doors. We walked down the street, just talking to each other. It wasn't awkward at all. Conversation flowed easily, and we arrived at a nice little café. We got a table and continued talking.

I loved watching Pietro when he spoke. He got really animated about things that he loved. He would wave his arms around and speak a lot with his hands. And his eyes would light up like a little kid on Christmas whenever I spoke. It was adorable.

We got our lunch and continued talking. My face hurt from smiling so much, and my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. Pietro was just so funny, and he made me smile so easily.

Once we finished, we walked back to the tower. I had twenty minutes of break left.

"Want to hang out for the rest of my break?" I asked hopefully.

"I'd love that," Pietro said, grinning.

We walked into the elevator, and I pressed the button for the business level.

"Miss L/n, Sonic, you are both needed in meeting room fifteen," Jarvis said.

"Thanks, J," I said.

The elevator started going up, and Pietro gave me a quizzical look.

"Since when do you call Jarvis J?" he asked.

I felt my cheeks heat up. I shrugged and rubbed the back of my neck, looking away.

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I guess I'm just used to hearing Tony call him that and I kind of just... adapted."

Pietro chuckled and shook his head.

"I am not making fun of you, Printsessa," he said. "Just... you fit in well here."

I smiled at him, and he smiled back. We made our way to the business level and then to the meeting room. Pietro opened the door for me, but I froze in the doorway. Pietro looked past me and pulled me behind him protectively when he realised what I was looking at.

Or more accurately, who I was looking at.

Nick Fury stood at the head of the table with his hands clasped in front of him.

"Come on in, L/n," Fury said. "I don't bite."

Pietro looked at him warningly before stepping aside and allowing me to enter the room. I walked towards the nearest open chair and sat down, Pietro sitting down beside me.

"So, Tony here tells me that you've been a good assistant to him and the team," Fury said.

I nodded, not quite sure where this was going. Fury nodded, more to himself than to me, and then looked me in the eye.

"You've been promoted," he said. "You are now the Avengers' Manager. You will do the same as you do, except you will write half-yearly reports on how they behave. You are in charge of them now."

I blinked in surprise, and the Avengers began arguing and talking over each other, trying to be heard.

"We don't need a manager-"

"Yes, we very well do, Clint-"

"I don't mind having a manger," Pietro said.

He looked to his sister who nodded her head in agreement.

"I suppose it's the same, except she's just writing a report on us," Wanda said.

"We can still be friends though, right?" I said quickly.

Everyone looked to me, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I mean-"

"Yes, you can still be friends," Fury said, waving a hand.

He started talking about the additions to the job, which wasn't much. I got a raise (yay!) and I also had access to all floors in the tower (which I already had, seeing as Tony had given me access a few weeks ago). I was also now a level 8 in the Shield database, seeing as I was supposed to know all of the information about the Avengers.

Fury left without so much as a goodbye, only a warning for the Avengers to behave themselves. I sat in my chair waiting for the Avengers' reaction.

"So... you're our boss now?" Clint asked.

"I... uh... I wouldn't say boss..." I said slowly.

"I don't mind," Pietro said, leaning back in his chair and threading his fingers behind his head. "It's great to have women in power. Besides, I'm sure my report will be all good things."

He winked at me at the end of his sentence, and I rolled my eyes. Wanda and Natasha exchanged a glance, and Bucky gave Pietro a not-so-subtle thumbs up.

I decided to ignore whatever that was about. I glanced to my watch.

"Tony, you have a meeting in twenty minutes," I said.

Tony sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Can I-"

"Skip it? No," I said. "I've moved this meeting around four times. You are attending it."

Tony rolled his eyes and I stood up.

"I have to get back to work," I said. "Bye everyone."

Everyone said their goodbyes to me, and I left the room, feeling slightly elated.

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