Chapter 19

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I woke up the next day at seven thirty. I had a quick shower and got dressed before having my breakfast. No one was up yet so I got to my office ten minutes early. I answered a few emails before my door opened and Tony walked in.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Work," I replied.

Tony shook his head at me.

"Did that conversation we had last night about you undergoing Avenger training mean anything to you?" he asked.

I bit my lip.

"Listen, I actually like my job," I said. "I – I assumed that because you didn't kick me out that I'd be able to keep it..."

Tony sighed and shook his head.

"You'd rather be an assistant than an Avenger?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Manager, actually," I said. "But... I guess I would want to do both, you know? At least until I actually become an Avenger."

Tony just shook his head again.

"We can talk about your job later," he said. "If you want to keep it, I don't have a problem with it. But right now we're going down to the training rooms. Natasha wants to assess you."

I nodded nervously. Tony told me not to worry. I went to my room and got changed into my suit before going downstairs to the training rooms. Everyone was waiting there for me, and I felt my nervousness return. I glanced at Pietro who smiled at me softly, and my nerves began to melt away.

"You said last night that you learn new skills almost instantly," Natasha stated, and I nodded. "How advanced at combat are you?"

I shrugged.

"Well, I haven't gone as far as I can during my training sessions," I admitted.

Natasha smirked.

"Good. Because you're up against me," she said. "Don't hold back. I want to see the full extent."

I nodded again and took up the position against her in the ring. Sam muttered something about getting popcorn.

Natasha stood still for a few seconds before attacking. She struck at my stomach and I twirled away. She continued on the offensive, and I defended myself. I watched the way her body moved. Natasha never used the same two moves in a row, but she moved in certain ways before using certain moves. Since I had her fighting patterns memorised, I was able to block and dodge all of her attacks. It was actually pretty easy, so I decided to go on the offensive.

Natasha was surprised when I got past her guard and struck her. Her expression became neutral again as she attacked with more force, but I still didn't go on the defensive. I struck her arm back before jumping on her and wrapping my thighs against her neck and pulling her to the floor. I kept her in the thigh grip until she tapped out.

"Did you just beat the Black Widow?" Tony asked in slight horror.

"To be fair, I had her moves memorised," I said quietly.

"That's why you read the Shield defence manual," Steve said suddenly. "You memorised the theory of it so that you could use it in real life."

I nodded once in confirmation. The others looked at me in awe and Natasha grinned softly.

"We might be able to make an Avenger out of you," she said.

I smiled softly back at her.

"Now, what everyone's been waiting for. Powers," Tony said, clapping his hands.

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