Chapter 24

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Two months later I was fighting my way through a building, trying to get to Derek Hale. Natasha and I dodged bullets and fought against the bodyguards. We made it up the building to the room where Derek was supposedly hiding out.

"Ready?" Natasha murmured. I nodded. "Three... two... one."

Natasha kicked the door open and held out her gun. Bullets flew for her and I caught them all with my power. I took the guns from those who were wielding them and turned them around to face them. They all put their hands up in surrender, and Natasha walked through them all to the man at the back. He had a frightened expression on his familiar face.

"Derek," Natasha said, looking down her nose at him.

He gulped back, and Natasha's eyebrows furrowed. She grabbed the top of his face and pulled back, removing the face changer technology he wore. I had never met the man before.

"Not him," Natasha said into the comms. "It was a set up."

"Which means you have to get out immediately," Steve said. "It may be a trap. Shield will assess it."

"Roger that, artifact," Natasha said.

A blue blur appeared beside me and suddenly I was standing outside of the building. A second later, Natasha and Pietro stood beside me. Shield agents surrounded the building, and a few had already gone in.

"I'm sorry it wasn't him," Pietro murmured from beside me.

I shrugged half-heartedly.

"We'll get him. I mean, we are the Avengers, right?" I joked.

Pietro smiled and kissed the side of my head. We all made our way back to the tower, where we all sat in the common area. Wanda and Vision had something to tell us.

"Um, Vis and I have decided to move to Edinburgh," Wanda said excitedly.

There was a loud outburst and Wanda held a hand up.

"Vis and I decided this because we... we want to try to... I don't know... kind of live a normal life, you know?" Wanda said. "I mean, we're a pretty unusual couple, I get that, but... we want to try to... see if we can live the normal life. Neither of us really have, at least, not for long."

I smiled softly at her and gave her a big hug. She hugged me back and everyone got up to exchange hugs.

"You're moving halfway across the country because of Y/n and not me, right?" Pietro asked.

I punched him lightly and he laughed. Wanda shook her head with a smile.

"Well, you know what this means," Tony said. "A leaving party."

We all groaned. In all honesty, we all loved most of the parties, but it was fun pretending that we didn't.

A few days later, the party was happening. It was just the Avengers plus Peter and his Aunt May, Maria Hill, and Rhodes. It was just in the common area, and there were balloons and streamers and food and drinks. Thor was also leaving back for Asgard, so this was like a little goodbye party for him, too.

I stood with Pietro most of the time, both of us cracking jokes and having a great time. We spoke to Wanda and Vision as well, telling them that we'd miss them. Wanda demanded that we visit her a month after she moved, and both of us agreed.

I think Pietro was too scared to say no.

The evening was very fun. We did karaoke (Pietro and I sang Never Gonna Give You Up together), we played many party games (a couple of which got slightly out of hand, like never have I ever) and we even had a cake.

Once the night was over Pietro and I went back to his room. After two months of sharing a bed we'd decided to stay in Pietro's room, because it had a better view. We both got into bed and cuddled up.

"How're you feeling about all of this?" I asked.

Pietro sighed, running his hand up and down my back.

"I don't know. I mean, I'll definitely miss her. I - I've just never been away from her for long, you know?" he said softly. "I guess she's always been with me, but... I don't need her to be happy. Wait, that sounded mean. She does make me happy, but so do you. And everyone else. And I can visit her but... I guess I'll just miss her."

I smiled softly.

"I'm sure she'll miss you, too," I said.

Pietro kissed the top of my head, and I fell asleep to the sound of his steady breathing.

i've almost finished writing this story, and i'm so excited to start writing my new book :))))) also sorry for the filler chapter :// if i end up writing another chapter tonight i'll upload the next one tonight too :)

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