Chapter 23

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I woke up to a bright light. My leg was on fire, and I turned to the side to see Bruce. He said something that I couldn't hear, and then he was gone, faded into black.

The next time I awoke, the light overhead was off, and the only source of illumination came from the window, where the moon shone. I blinked and looked to my side to see Pietro slumped in a chair, fast asleep. There were dark circles under his eyes, and his hair glowed in the moonlight.

"Pietro," I croaked.

Pietro woke up with a jolt and looked at me immediately. When he realised I was awake, a choked sob left his mouth and he sank to his knees and grabbed my hand.

"I thought - I thought I'd lost you," he whispered.

"Well, obviously you didn't," I joked.

Pietro gave a single laugh and looked up to my face. I cleared my throat.

"Could I please have some water?" I asked.

Pietro nodded and within a second he was holding out a glass of water. I would have told him that he was a show off, but I was too thirsty. I gulped down the water and Pietro filled the glass up again for me. He sat down in his chair as I drank, an ashamed expression washed over his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he mumbled.

I sighed and cocked my head.

"Pietro, you know you can tell me things, right?" I said.

Pietro looked up at me, tears lining his eyes.

"It was my fault," he whispered.

I looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Pietro took a shaky breath.

"I mean if I had gone with you-"

"Let me stop you right there," I said, holding up a hand. "Pietro, I can take care of myself. And who knows if you being there would have changed anything? You don't need to feel guilty for me being kidnapped, unless you were the one who kidnapped me. Although, if you did, I don't think I'd mind."

I held my hand out to him and he took it, rubbing his thumb on the back of it.

"I - I guess I've just always taken care of Wanda, and I just feel like I have... that responsibility about the people I care about, you know?" he said.

I nodded softly.

"I understand," I said. "But... Wanda is pretty badass. Don't know why you have to take care of her. Pretty sure it's the other way 'round."

Pietro chuckled and shook his head. Before he could say anything else, the door burst open and Wanda came in, followed by Tony, and then Natasha, and then the rest of the team.

"Oh, Y/n!" Wanda cried, throwing her arms around me.

I hugged her tightly, and everyone came around my bed to hug me or pat my shoulder.

"You're gonna be alright," Bruce said, already in doctor-mode. "It was just a flesh wound, luckily, but you're not going to be able to walk for at least a week."

I nodded slowly. Thank god it was just a flesh wound.

"You did great in there, Y/n," Steve said.

My cheeks flushed and I looked down.

"Even though I got stabbed and nearly died from the combined force of the pain, blood loss, and headache?" I asked sadly.

Natasha sighed and shook her head.

"Y/n, that was your first time ever in the field," she said. "You've barely had two weeks of training and you were able to get out of the room and into the carpark without dying. Sure, the car park was a different story, but that was - how many? - seven against one? I reckon after a couple more months of training, you'll be ready to be an Avenger."

My jaw dropped and I looked to the widow in shock.

"I - are you serious?" I asked.

Natasha nodded and Pietro punched me lightly in the shoulder. My grin dropped as I remembered something important.

"Derek Hale?" I asked.

Tony frowned.

"He got away," Tony said apologetically. "Already gone when we got there. Don't worry though, we'll get him soon. I mean, we are Avengers, you know. We're pretty top notch."

I smiled softly at him. He was trying to make me feel better, and honestly, it was working.

Bruce let me out of the hospital and said I could go to my own room. Pietro carried me there like a gentleman, saying that I shouldn't be straining my leg. He put me down carefully at my door and made sure I could limp inside. I was able to have a bath and get ready for bed before there was a knock at my door. I limped over and opened it to reveal Pietro.

"Can - can I stay with you tonight?" he asked. "I just - I wanted to make sure that you're okay and with me... it's stupid, I'm sorry-"

"No, Pietro, it's not stupid," I said. "And I'd love to spend the night with you."

Pietro smiled softly and he helped me into bed. He then climbed in the other side and pulled me close to him so that I was pressed against him. I sighed happily and cuddled closer to him.

guess who's back, back again. it's me. i'm back. and i've nearly finished writing this story :))) y'all are in for something :))) is it happiness? is it pain? you won't know until you feel it :))

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