Chapter 7

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The camera shook, struggling to focus on anything for longer than a second

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The camera shook, struggling to focus on anything for longer than a second. The only soundtrack was the heavy rhythm of panicked breathing, punctuated here and there by a few mumbled curse words.

Finally, the camera settled. It panned the surrounding forest like it was looking for something before lifting upwards, towards the upper canopy of the trees. The sun blinded the lens for a second before it adjusted to the light. The tops of the trees looked like they were swaying in the wind.

But only on one side of the frame.

The camera zoomed in, focusing on the wavering trees. The branches shook violently, leaves showering down on the anonymous cameraman. The breathing picked up, coming in fast, hysterical pants. Then came a loud splintering. A dark shape—a humanoid shape—emerged from between the branches. The camera zoomed closer, trying to see the details of that strange, shadowed figure—

But, of course, here is where the cameraman gave up and fled. The camera now only captured blurry boots as they raced across the forest floor. Then they tripped. The footage began spinning in a stomach-churning way as the camera went flying through the air.

Mercifully, the clip ended there.

The footage rewound and played again, repeating the moment the dark shape came into view, peeking out from behind the branches. It slowed down and zoomed in, though that only made things blurrier. The shadowed figure was tall and there was an odd shape jutting out from the side of the head. A red circle appeared on the screen, followed by text.

Is this The Raven? it read.

From what Penelope could see, it might as well be a potato. "Why can't these things be captured by someone with a good camera and a steady hand?" she wondered aloud.

She was sitting in the bedroom at the back of the cabin, waiting for the dye in her hair to set. While she had been waiting, she had given in to her curiosity. Word of a new Raven sighting was too much to resist. She had switched her phone to airplane mode—to keep the messages at bay—she got online and began her search. Thankfully, the cabin had decent wifi and it didn't take long to find the video.

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