Chapter 32

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Penelope ran as hard as she could

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Penelope ran as hard as she could. She managed to dodge the trash that was piled around the building without tripping, though she wasn't sure how. She wasn't thinking, not really. She was just letting adrenaline and instinct carry her where she needed to go—far away from here.

The long grass whipped at her legs as she ran back down the path that led back to the abandoned house. It still tried to trip her, but her legs pumped so hard that the tangled strands couldn't hold her.

She wasn't sure if anyone was following her. She couldn't hear anything beyond her panting breaths coming rough and ragged. She didn't want to stop or try to look behind her. That was a good way to trip, to get caught.

Instead, she focussed on what was directly in front of her. The path. The driveway. The road. She just had to run. She had to get away. She had to get help. Because if she didn't, then Liam—

No. She couldn't let herself think about it.

Her feet hit pavement and she turned, skidding as she changed directions. She raced down the buckled road, scanning the dark trees on either side for the gap that led to the other driveways. She remembered they had parked the SUV just a few houses down...

Fortunately, the moon was almost full, so the dark wasn't quite so deep. Its cold light lit the way, filtering through the trees that lined the road...

Then she saw it. The moonlight glinted off something in the trees. The side mirrors of the SUV, parked halfway down the abandoned driveway. She gave a gasp of relief and turned again, barrelling down on it. Running full tilt, she didn't have much time to stop and ran straight into it, barely able to catch herself with her hands. As soon as she stopped running, her legs turned rubbery. She had to press her hands into the cold metal of the car to hold herself up as she walked around the side, to the driver's door...

Then she stopped cold. In her panic, she hadn't thought of the most obvious problem: she didn't have the keys. Liam did.

She swore and pounded a fist against the driver's side window and racked her panic-stricken brain for what to do next. She wished she knew how to hotwire things, but her dad had missed giving her the growing-up talk on how to boost a car. She thought about breaking into the vehicle and hiding inside, but if Gunnar found it, she was sure the first thing he'd do was search it...

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