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First of all, I want to say thank you for reading my book,  CRYPTID

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First of all, I want to say thank you for reading my book, CRYPTID.

It means a lot that you've taken the time to get here, to the very end. This story had personal significance and it means a lot to me, especially because it had a kind of fraught path to creation. Having it done and out there is a very freeing feeling.

So, again, thank you, thank you, thank you for reading.


If you enjoyed CRYTPID, I hope you'll check out my other books and follow my Wattpad profile @ YvetteRussell  for updates and to follow along with the next book I'll be sharing.

My next book will be the rewrite (finally!) of THE OTHER SIDE which will have the same spooky vibe that CRYPTID did. I love a good spooky forest setting, what can I say?

This year will also  coincide with the release of MY SOUL TO TAKE, another horror based in a remote girl's boarding school during the war.

So that's what's coming up next! Of course, I have other books on my profile, ready to read. And if you want to support me or follow me elsewhere, all those links can be found on my profile @ YvetteRussell!

Once again, thank you for reading.



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