Chapter 42

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The day's last rays of sunlight flooded the cabin's living room as Penelope walked out of the back bedroom, laptop in hand

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The day's last rays of sunlight flooded the cabin's living room as Penelope walked out of the back bedroom, laptop in hand. She had given in and picked one up at the local computer store to edit her videos.

As she flopped down onto the couch, the exposed skin of her legs stuck to the leather upholstery. "Ugh," Penelope muttered, grimacing as she peeled her thighs off the couch. "Shorts and leather do not mix." Even though the sun was setting, it was still plenty hot. Summer had pulled out one last scorcher to send them off into the fall.

Grabbing her favourite hoodie from the back of the couch, she shoved it underneath her legs. It would be enough to save her thighs for now. Besides, she wasn't going to sit here long. There were only a few finishing touches she wanted to make to her video, then it would be ready for upload and she could finally go...

The cabin door opened. "Knock, knock!" Liam called as he leaned in through the gap.

"Uh, excuse me?" Penelope called back. "Aren't you supposed to actually knock before you barge inside?" When she turned to look at him, she was grinning.

Liam grinned back. "Hey, this is my place," he said, stepping inside. He gestured around the cabin with the glass bottle of root beer he had in his hand.

"No, it's mine," she said, opening her laptop. "At least for one more night."

Liam dropped down on the couch next to her. "I still can't believe you're leaving," he said. "Ridgestone is going to feel so weird without you. One summer and it feels like you've always been here."

"I know," Penelope said. After everything that had happened, her dad had agreed to extend their trip to give her enough time to recover. But then he kept extending it and extending it until they had ended up staying for the entire season. "Who knows? Maybe we'll come back next year."

"I'd like that," Liam said, all the teasing gone from his voice. As he realized what he had said, his face went red. "I-I mean, we'd like that. Me and my mom. She and your dad are practically best friends now."

Penelope just nodded, pressing her lips together to fight the smile that was threatening to spread across her face. She turned back to the laptop to spare him.

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