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I woke up, barely naked. There was a woman beside me on the bed we shared. Candles flickered around the room at it made it hotter than it should've been. Or maybe, the room was cold and I was just hot from the ride.

I got out of the soft bed and found my clothes. Putting on the black suit, I brought the cape over my body and walked out. Roach was tied to where I had left her last and I got onto the mare's saddle. 

Riding out of the small stop, we treaded into the forest. Snow had fallen days before which was too heavy to travel, but now that it had melted, it was free yet slippery. I met Roach at a slow pace so we wouldn't fall. From the melting snow, some were trickling down branches and I had to pull my hood on so the water wouldn't splash in my face.

I rode for what seemed like days in the same terrain, never seeming to reach the end. Maybe it was my destiny: to ride the woods for eternity for the massacre in Blaviken. Even though I had chosen no side, it felt like I chose against Renfri. Now, I couldn't go back.

I pulled in the reins when I heard something. It could be my imagination but that was quite small. However, it wasn't when I saw someone in the distance. They were wearing a long white coat, blending well with the drying snow but soon, they'd be wide open. I got off my horse and tied her to a tree. I began to approach the figure without a noise. My senses were telling me to grab my sword and as I was reaching for it, the person bent down and plucked a flower.

"It's lucky it survived," the woman spoke. She shook it delicately to dust off the snow and held it. She slowly turned around, pulling off her hood. I knew why she wore it. It's because her hair was red, or was it orange? A strawberry? But it did resemble something like fire, bright and eye-catching and she'd be a target. Her eyes were icy blue, almost gray like the streaks in her hair, and her skin was pale. Nonetheless, her energy seemed to brighten everything.

She took me in as much as I did her and her flower dropped, her lips parted and I could see the fog escape as she lifted her coat and started running. I stayed in my spot, watching as her figure grew small before she hid behind a thick tree. I looked at my feet to see the flower she had dropped. I bent down and picked up the red rose.

"I mean you no harm," I said aloud. I went back to Roach and untied her from the tree. I walked beside her in the direction of where the woman ran off to. I kept quiet as I neared her hiding spot. I turned to see her pinned to the tree, panting, and to show her that I'm true of my word I return the flower. She glanced at it then back at me then to my horse.

"Where to?" I sighed.

"Just the next stop. I believe it's on the other side of the trees. I suppose I'll find another flower at the bar."

"You don't find flowers at bars."

"Well, mine is yellow."

She faintly smiled when I agreed and I helped her onto the horse. Since the ground was still wet, I walked next to Roach as she rode on the top of the mare.

"I never got your name," I said, spiking a conversation.

"Sage Anika," she replied. "And your's?"

"Geralt of Rivia." Our talk ended and I knew at the slow pace we were going to stay safe would prolong our short journey. The daylight was started to die out and we stopped on some dry land where we could camp for the night.

Her eyes reflected the fire and made her hair glow. She stayed close to the heat to stay warm. She blew in the cup of her hands because she wasn't wearing any gloves. I slowly pulled off the black leather that covered my hands and passed the pair of gloves to her.

"Thank you," she said, taking them. She slid them on, too big for her hands, but it was meant for the same use. "Do you have intentions of harming me before?"


"You said you meant no harm."

"You ran away from me so you must've heard things about me," I told her.

"That you killed people in Blaviken?" she inquired. I nodded. "I heard the people turned on you from the word of a man. You didn't kill them intentionally, did you?"


"It's good to know that you're not a butcher as they say you are." Her smile faded. "Would you like me to stay on watch as you sleep?"

"I'll watch," I told her.

"Then you won't have energy in the morning to kill a monster. Besides, I don't sleep much at night." I stared at her after her last comment.

"You'll sleep and I'll stay awake," I ordered. She chuckled, shaking her head before lying down. She crossed her arms over her chest and closed her eyes. I was right that she should sleep because, in an instant, she had dozed off.

I went to Roach and pet her brown, silky hair. The mare was wide awake, staring at me with her beading eyes. I could see Sage in the reflection of Roach's eyes and I turned to get a better view of her. She slept peacefully. It wasn't until her skin turned from an olive color to a gray, dying tone that I got closer. The light streaks of silver in her bright hair had consumed it and I instantly knew that she was different. Maybe a mutant, like me.

Pulling my sword, I grew defensive as I stubbed her with my foot. She shot up with a small gasp, her eyes now white with lines of dark silver, staring at me.

"What's up with you?" I asked in a huskier tone than I intended.

She gasped, looking at her hair and she grew tense. Putting on her hood, she took off my gloves and tossed them, running away. I sighed, looking off into the distance. I sat down on the log, too annoyed to chase after her. I already knew where she was going and I would just find her in the morning.

Lying on my back, I drifted to sleep. It was short and light as the sun started to come out. By dawn, I got onto my horse and started trodding through the woods. I finally reached the end where a stable and bar was stationed and stocked Roach in the stable. I entered the bar to hear a bard singing and people shouting at him to quiet.

My eyes caught the white coat sitting at the bar and I went towards it and stood a few spots away from her. The bartender gave me a cup and carried it. As I drank, I saw her eyes lingering on me. I set down the jug and turned my head, making known that I was looking at her. I clenched my jaw at the sight of her normalcy and her being something else seemed like a dream.

"Why'd you run... again?"

"I told you I don't sleep at night but you insisted," she replied.

"Your hair... it was—"

"Jaskier," Sage called out. The bard stopped strumming his instrument and approached her. She turned and looked at me, "I told you there were flowers at the bar."

"You're a Witcher," Jaskier said in awe. "I've never met one before. Have you, Sage?"

"One and only."

"The Butcher of Blaviken," he stated.

"He's not a butcher," Sage told him.

"I'm not a butcher," I said.

"You're not a butcher," Jaskier said, looking intently in her eyes. "But everyone thinks you are."

"Make a song," Sage began, "let them know what he isn't." She tossed some coins on the counter and stood, "It was nice meeting you, Witcher."

She was on her way out and I pursued after her. Jaskier stopped in front of me and I pushed him away as I went outside. She was gone.

"She's caught your eye, hasn't she?" he inquired. "Everyone finds her fascinating so you won't be the first."

"She is, isn't she?" I inquired. "When will she be back?"

"Soon, we haven't planned to leave yet since we travel together," he explained.

"Then I'm staying here."

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