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I don't remember much of what happened the night before. I do know that Tissaia was digging through my subconscious to find exactly where Yennefer was but it was useless. She finally stopped my torturing when the mage herself appeared, getting the leader of Aretuza to stop. I'm sure Yennefer felt the need to owe me. Yennefer quietly apologized for everything and went off with the mage, leaving my son and me alone. That's when everything else became blurry.

As of now, I was incessantly wailing, my voice creating waves that shook the stone I was surrounded in. I was screaming because I had woken up to my son gone, his cage being left wide open. Tracing his body, the spirit was telling me that he was on the verge of death. It spiked my power and strength overwhelmed me to burst out of the chains I was shackled in.

I pressed my voice on the door and it bent outward, the lock breaking so I could push through. Once I had walked out, I made my way down the hallways, partially unaware of what I was doing. It felt like when I first was possessed and was chasing after Oswald and Amelia, and the rest of their guards. This time, I was chasing after the mages who took my son.

A part of me didn't want to kill the innocent mages that were left in Aretuza and I used one to tell me where they had taken Cahir. As she was on her knees, pleading for life, she muttered something about the Brotherhood wanting Yennefer to prove she was on their side by killing the enemy and they would be out on the field.

My scream put her in a daze and she dropped, her eyes were left wide open and she was shivering. I glanced at her before continuing my strut through the hallways. It was like a maze but the essence of my son calling out to me drew me to the right place.

I went outside to the cold air and grabbed a horse, riding out of the island. The horse crossed a bridge into the mainland and I could see the stands for a large overhead. I heard muffled voices on the other side, one being Tissaia and the other King Foltest, and I peeked through the crack.

Cahir's head was set on a bowl of metal and Yennefer held an axe in her hand. My son chuckled at her and stretched his neck further, being too confident to die, knowing I'd appear from dust.

And so, I did. I stepped out into the center and opened my arms, letting a massive blow escape my mouth, echoing beyond the night. The royals were thrown back and I aimed a stronger keen at the mages who were trying to cast a spell to keep me silent. Once they were down, I looked at Yennefer, who was never going to kill him, and she cut his chains.

"Let's go, now," I spoke. I grabbed Cahir's hand and took him to my horse. Yennefer found another and we escaped from the execution site.

"You no longer have power," I said to Yennefer when we entered an abandoned cavern. "The fire must've taken you out."

"It should've burnt you to ashes," she responded. She then crinkled a snide grin. "What happened to your neck?"

I stayed quiet and pulled the dark red cloak across my shoulders and around my neck, so my new scar could be hidden.

"We should go," Cahir chimed in. "We're already wanted." He showed us papers with our faces on the front and that whoever found us should report to Aretuza. "The safest place we can stay is Cintra."

"Why Cintra?" I asked.

"That's where the Elves are uniting with the Nilfgaardians," Yennefer explained. "I met their leader, Francesca, who's just as intelligent and powerful as you, Sage."

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