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"I don't trust the Witcher," Jaskier whispered to me. We were standing in the corner of a ballroom that had been set and filled for the Queen of Cintra's daughter's engagement party.

"Why not?" I asked. "You've been singing a song about him for the past weeks."

"I just think he's going to hurt you," he said. "If he can't feel, he won't know when he's hurt you and he won't have sympathy."

"Mmm," I hummed. "Thank you for your concern."

"Excuse me," a man spoke, pointing at Jaskier. "Have I seen you before?"

"I don't think so," Jaskier replied with a light chuckle.

"I believe you're the one who slept with my wife. I'd never forget a face that I've beaten with a broom."

"Well, you must've because it wasn't him," I chimed in. I leaned in and whispered, "He's still a virgin."

"Oh... well... I'm sorry for the misunderstanding," the man said, shuffling away.

"What did you tell him?" he asked. I only smiled at him, sipping the drink in my hand. I turned to face the crowd that had been chattering. The bard returned to his band and they started playing music and they started to dance.

I moved closer, not joining the rest of the party and I noticed the mellow expression on Pavetta's face. I could tell she wasn't amused by the men waiting to marry her. My eyes then moved to Geralt who was sitting next to Queen Calanthe, and the two were secretly talking.

"A banshee," the mage, Mousesack, spoke.

"Everyone seems so fascinated by me," I replied as he stood beside me.

"Because you are fascinating," he said. "A woman who has been possessed with a spirit. Not even cursed or consumed by a dead witch who's marked to haunt the living but a spirit. No magician can comprehend it let alone control nor defy it."

"Is it because magic is just a trick and I'm real?"

"It's because you are death reincarnate," he said and I looked at him. No one had ever told me such thing and I had never thought about it like that. "If I wasn't working for the queen, I'd bow to you." He lowered his head and departed from me.

I was left frozen, in a daze as people danced. I didn't know when Geralt had come to me and he just stood there until I returned to reality.

"What did Mousesack tell you?" he asked.

"Nothing much," I lied. I cleared my throat. "How do you think the party's going?"

"Quite boring. I can't wait for it to end so we can leave and Jaskier won't get killed— which I presume he won't." I glanced at him and nodded.

"Witcher," a knight spoke and we faced him. "I've come to present myself to Princess Pavetta and I was hoping you could introduce me."

"I don't-" I held Geralt's arm so he wouldn't deny him. I gladly nodded and he told me his name.

"Jaskier, stop the music," I said. He made the last strum and the people chattered, wondering why he had ended it. I moved towards the crowd and they spread, making way for me. "Not all of the suitors have presented themselves."

"Who's last?" Calanthe asked, somewhat annoyed.

"Urcheon of Erlenwald," I introduced. "Also known as Duny." I set my arm out and backed away next to Geralt as Duny took the floor. Pavetta seemed to know him when she stood in surprise.

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