Chapter 27

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Hi guys if you've made it this far thank you so much for reading Bella & Daniels story. I appreciate it more than you know. If you like this book make sure to go check out my first book ever, It's Reality. xo


Happy Reading!

Bella's Pov~

Chapter 27•

No blog entry—

I felt empty.. like nothing else could possibly go wrong. As soon as I was happy and I thought everything was finally going to be okay I'm slapping right in the faces and reality sets in.

I took off my makeup sluggishly and threw on a pair so sweat pants and a sports bra. I threw my hair in a bun and climbed in bed. I laid there for a second before feeling a tear fall down my face.

What the hell happened?

I felt myself drifting away into sleep before hearing and banging coming front downstairs. I immediately jumped up looking for any weapon in sight but there was none.

I went to the hall closet as the banging continued and the only think I could find was a tennis racket. I grabbed in a rushed down stairs to look through the peep hole but a big fist was covering it.

"Bella Open up!" A big muffled voice yelled.

Oh no! It's knows my name..!!! It knows my name!!

"I have a weapon and I called 911!" I yelled and lied but they won't know.

"You're a bad liar!" It yelled back and suddenly I heard the voice better. "It's Daniel Bella!" He yelled.

"Oh.. no Habla Espanol." I yelled back.

"I'm not speaking spanish!" He yelled sounding irritated.

"No ones home." I tried again.

"Then who's voice is speaking..." He asked and I stayed quite.

I decided to just open the door and he flew in and out of reflex and just being scared I swung my tennis racket at him.

"OW! Bella!!" He yelled.

"SORRY!" I yelled back. "IT WAS A REFLEX!" I yelled again.

"We need to talk." He said.

"uh oh." I said. "No we can't." I finished.

"I know Bella." Daniel said.

"Know what?" I asked playing dumb.

"I know about your blog. I read them all." He said looking at me straight in the eyes. I tried to read any emotions on his face but didn't see any.

"Daniel." I said slowly.

"Can I just ask what you were doing?" He asked.

"What do you mean? I asked confused by his question.

"Trying to hurt me how I hurt you? Playing games? What was it?" He asked with a very serious tone.

"No no no." I spoke but he cut me off.

"I mean I get the beginning I really do but some of them were recent as recent as Saturday." He spoke out sounding normal but I was waiting for the heat. I knew him do well.

"It was after things happen." I tried to explain but he kept cutting my off.

"While I said I was falling for you a day before you said that you hated me." Daniel said. I didn't know what to say.

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