Chapter 9

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Sansa could hear a harsh clashing noise in the distance. Following the winding corridors it kept getting louder. She stuck close to the wall, as she got closer she could hear the cries, the cries of the dead. Finally reaching the room she stepped into the grand hall, her bare feet drenched in fresh blood. It was all over her, but it wasn't her blood. She couldn't move, she couldn't reach them.

She saw her mother, her throat being cut to the bone. She saw Robb getting a dagger through his heart, she saw her father's head getting cut off. She could smell the burning of rotten bodies. Sansa was shaking. Bodies laid all around her, lying lifelessly. They were all looking at her, staring with the emptiness of their eyes looking right at her. "No... No stop please!" Sansa begged, she was screaming now.

"Sansa wake up, wake up it's okay" a voice woke Sansa, sending a shot of sweat through her body. Two arms were clasped around her, she looked up to see Jamie. "What... What happened?" She finally mustered.
"It must of been a bad dream, it's okay... It's okay" his voice soother her. He was kneeling at the side of her bed. She pushed her head against his shoulder, she could feel his breath run through her hair. "it's my fault there dead isn't it?" She whispered.

"No it's not, don't say that" he cupped her damp face with his hands, forcing her to look at him. "What happened to your family was nothing to do with you" Sansa's eyes softened. "Please don't leave me" she spoke is a soft voice looking up at Jamie. "I'll stay if you want" This was the first time they had spoken since Sansa had found out of her Mother and Brothers deaths. He hadn't thought his presence could help, but Sansa wanted him, she needed him.

Once he had laid down, Sansa buried her head into his neck resting her hand over his chest. Jamie held her tightly to her. None of them said anything, they didn't need to.

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