Chapter 36

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Sansa has never seen anything like it before. The girl held her chin and pulled her face back, the strangers face disappeared. Then she saw them, Stark eyes looking back at her.



Jamie sat at the table covered in a map of the river lands. He looked at all the figures crowded together, Freys, Lannister lions and Tully fish. He knew he had to get Riverrun back for the Freys, the Blackfish was a threat otherwise. He couldn't lie that he had more respect to him that he did for any of the Freys put together.

He didn't trust Walder Frey, they were spineless rats who sided with the winning side every time, even if that meant slaughtering their own King at a wedding.

A guard interrupted his thoughts "My Lord, Brienne of Tarth has requested your audience". He stood up when he heard her name, he hadn't expected to ever see her again. "Send her in". She appeared a few moments later, she looked exactly how she did when he last saw her, but something was different about her.

"Brienne" his voice sounded dry. "Lord Jamie" he hated being called that, and she knew it. "Why have you come here?" Brienne's face remained tensed. "I was planning on asking you the same question, I thought you would have reached Winterfell by now" her eyes pierced into him.

Jamie sighed and turned away from her. "Sansa is gone, what use would it do if I followed her to Winterfell?" He could hear the irritation in his own voice, it has been so long since someone had spoken her name, he could almost pretend nothing had ever happened.

"You've given up on her, how could you just forget her, she's your wife, you need-" Jamie cut off her words "no, she's Ramsey's wife, she is now the Lady of the North, her home. Do you thinks she'd prefer to be the Lady of Casterly Rock?" The more Jamie tried to justify his reasons, the angrier Brienne became.

"She's in danger, truly you must now that, Do you honestly believe she is safe in Winterfell? It may be her home but she is alone". Jamie turned back to her, he felt defeated. "I wish she had never gone, I wish that I had gone to Winterfell but I didn't, it's too late".

"Have you heard what they say about Ramsey Bolton? They say he is even crueler than Joffrey ever was, they say he skins his enemies alive, and Sansa? They say she's locked all day, and at night, there's not one person in the whole of Winterfell who doesn't hear her screams". Jamie could feel his throat start to burn hearing her words, he couldn't stand it.

"It's not too late... fight for her" Brienne pleaded.


Sansa couldn't believe her eyes, the last time she had seen her sister she had looked entirely different, they both had. They both stared at each over for a few moments, both unsure what to say to each other. Sansa began to speak, "How..." she couldn't finish. She had never believed for a moment she would have ever seen her family again, a part of her had always believed that Arya was still alive but she never let it through. 

"I have to go, I'll come back soon I promise". Sansa was still speechless she had so many questions, so many answers she yearned for. She stepped out of the bath reaching for her night gown, pulling it over her. "I won't leave you, you're my sister". Sansa had never seen this side of Arya before, she imagined she hadn't recognised a lot about the girl she used to dismiss as reckless and boyish all those years ago. "We'll get Rickon and we'll escape-" "But how? Ramsey has guards and-" Arya swiftly interrupted "You have to trust me, I have to go". Sansa nodded, she pulled her sister close to her, Arya hugged her back tightly. 

"I trust you" Sansa whispered.


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