Chapter 25

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Sansa turned over to her side, the sheets were tangled in and out of her legs. The soft breeze brushed against her bare skin. She hadn't opened her eyes yet but she could feel Jamie next to her, his warmth. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck.

For a moment it felt real, until her eyes snapped open, then she remembered.


Sansa squinted at the sight of the open sky, she hadn't been outside for days. The wind she felt whipping at her cheeks, brought her back to reality. She followed the guards that were escorting her off the ship. The unusual sight of green brought back memories of the North, her home.

She didn't feel the way she thought she would, her image of home was he Father, her mother, her sister and brothers. The only people who surrounded her were strangers, men she didn't care to speak to, they were Baelish's men, and she knew she couldn't trust him. He did this, she should of trusted Margaery's warning.

She should of trusted Jamie. The way she wanted to, she wanted to trust him like how she had trusted Joffrey to have mercy on her father, the way she had loved him. He had repaid her trust with her fathers head. She promised herself she would never make that mistake again, but Jamie was different. She only realised when it was too late, after she had left him.

She might not of trusted him entirely, her mind couldn't let her. But she loved him, she remembered how he had told her he wouldn't ever hurt her, how he wouldn't let anyone hurt her, she knew he couldn't stop Joffrey or Cersei. But he wanted to stop her pain, he wanted to try when no one else would.

And now he was gone.


I know this is a really, really short chapter and I take ages to update, but I'm going to start rewriting all the chapters to make them flow more, I just feel like everything's all over the place. Thankyou to everyone who still reads the new chapters I hope I can improve it! Can anyone tell me what they would want more of? Just so I know how to improve anything. I was also thinking of starting to write the chapters in 1st persons of the characters just so it more direct would people like that it would it not work? X

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