Chapter 32

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"We are surrounded by enemies, everywhere and everyone. You already left us once, and now Joffrey, Myrcella and Father are dead. Are you going to turn your back on your last living son?"  Cersei kneeled in front of Jamie, gripping on to his arm tightly with both fists. "Tommen needs you, he needs his father... I need you." She spoke fiercely but the desperation in her tone was clear. Jamie got up, walking towards the window away from Cersei. "Father's gone, you are the Lord of Casterly Rock now".

"I made a promise, that I would protect Sansa Stark, I swore it to her mother. I have to make sure that she's safe" Jamie turned to meet his sister's stare. Cersei poured another glass of wine "Yes of course, Sansa Stark. Your runaway bride" she turned back to him "Is it just your promise to Catleyn Stark that makes you have affection for that little Stark bitch" Cersei sneered as she spoke. "The whole of Westeros knows that Sansa Stark is in Winterfell, her home, I think she's as safe as she could ever hope to be". Jamie clenched his jaw "Yes she's in Winterfell... with Roose Bolton's bastard, do you honestly expect me to believe that she's safe?" He turned away from her once more. "She's my wife I think that alone is enough for me to go and find her".

"I think some would have to disagree, it seems the entire North believes that your marriage to the little dove is invalid, they even say she has sworn that the marriage was never consummated and therefore makes her unwed" Jamie's jaw locked, he wanted to shout at the top of his lungs how his sister was wrong, Sansa loved him, he knew that. But the more words that poured out of Cersei's mouth the harder his realisation hit him.

"Anyway the entire thing has worked out rather nicely for the new Lord of Winterfell, who now has a nice, young future bride by his side to rule the North". Cersei watched as her brother stared at her in disbelief, she took a few sips of her wine. Her eyes were narrowed and her mouth was curled into a tight smirk. Cersei closed the door behind her leaving Jamie alone. He knew how his sister worked, he knew she had only told him this to make him stay. But the more he thought of Sansa, the more he thought how stupid he'd been. She had probably been planning the entire thing behind his back with Baelish and Ramsey.

A though entered his mind that he wished he could ignore... perhaps it was all a lie, everything. She was a Stark. She was of the North, she despised the Lannisters just like the rest of her family. She hated him just as much as her father had, and why shouldn't she? everything that had happened to her and her family was cause by the Lannisters.

She was a lie that he had loved.


Sansa waited in the darkness. She wondered how long it had been since he had been gone, all she knew if was every night he came. She had stopped struggling and screaming after the first week, all she could do was lie there in the darkness and wait. After two weeks she had stopped crying and whimpering, there was no point anymore. After three weeks she felt as thought he Gods had granted her a little mercy, she felt numb, the pain was nothing anymore, it was as though every feeling in her body was gone. It wasn't a mercy, it was worse. It frightened her more that she didn't feel anything, that was what she longed for to feel something again, to feel afraid, to feel sad, to feel angry. Anything. If there was no pain and no fear, what was left of her?

Nothing could be worse than this, it was an eternal hell that she was trapped in all day and all night. Then she heard it, the noise that she waited for. She waited for the voice, sometimes she would imagine it, sometimes it would be real. "Have you missed me? I've missed you terribly". After he had done what he wanted to her he would leave, but this time he didn't.

After he had dressed himself, he walked towards the windows, he pulled open the shutters letting the last hours of daylight pour into the room. Sansa had lost track of the difference between day and night, it didn't matter, she was there for whenever he wanted her. Ramsey looked back towards her, his peculiar grin peeled on his face. "Come here" Sansa found herself standing somehow and walking towards his side.

Her nightdress hung around her body, wha part of the material wasn't covered in blood resembled a decaying white shade. Her dress covered her pale skin that was stained with blue and purple. Her eyes drifted out of the window, the light stung her eyes for a moment, she brought her hand up to cover them, Ramsey grabbed it in mid air. he close his fist tightly around it. "I want you to be happy Sansa, you're my wife. I have something to show you tomorrow, something I think you'll enjoy very much". Ramsey let go of her hand "You do have to make more of an effort Sansa, I'm getting tired of you, you don't want to bore me do you?"

"No my Lord" Ramsey caught her jaw with his fingers, bringing her chin closer to his face. "Good, I don't want to feel as though I'm fucking a dead corpse when I come to your chambers". He took his fingers off her, leaving her by the window. She heard him lock the doors behind him. Looking out to the cold snow covering the ground, she watched the people in the courtyard. As she peered at them, she remembered something that she had thought was long forgotten, Winterfell was her home and these were her people and Ramsey had stolen that from her.


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