The Tour

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Echo Songs P.O.V 

I was sleeping peacefully when I was woken up by loud pop music I think it was pop music at least " Echo Song: " what the heck is going on!?" I said to myself as I got up I then decided to quickly brush my hair before I went out there to beat whoever was playing that sound they call music, but as I was brushing my hair Twilight woke up along with Star Beat who both looked tired and very very very and I mean VERY angry " Twilight: " Echo Song what's going on!? whats all that racket junk?!" Twilight said with a very annoyed tone, I mean who would blame her? " Echo Song: " I don't know, I just woke up a few minutes ago, that's why I'm brushing my hair so I can go out there to find out what that noise is!" and after I finished saying that I was done brushing my hair " Echo Song: " now lets go find out what that ear killing noise is!" as I said that I walked to the door and opened it to find the pop troll's singing and dancing ' oh no..... why????' I thought as I looked at the pop trolls....... I..Was.....FURIOUS DON'T THEY KNOW SOME TROLLS ARE SLEEPING!?.

Twilight's P.O.V

I couldn't believe what I was seeing actually I could, the noise did sound like pop music, I looked over to Echo Song to ask her if we should talk to Queen Poppy but I didn't, she looked like an angry bull bug when it was poked for 6 years and is seeing something red sooooo yeah she looked furious, no beyond furious if there was a word for something higher then furious that would be the word to describe what she was probably feeling and looked like right now, it was scary, Echo Song can get very scary believe me Anthem ( Record Wave and Sound Waves cousin but to Echo Song he's more like her older brother cousin best friend ) told me when she was a child she acted like a mafia boss and could get very VERY angry and scary " Twilight: " Echo Song calm down..... please" I said with fear in my voice, then Echo Song look me right in the eyes, I got scared and gulped " Echo Song: " fine......." Echo Song grumbled, then Queen Poppy, 'Branch', Trollex, and the other Pop trolls Queen Poppy and branch were with walking over " Branch: " let me guess the music woke you guys up?" Me and Echo Song nodded " Branch:  "see poppy I told you it would wake them up but no you want to do it anyway to celebrate having a new royal friend" branch says as he points at Echo Song I was confused.

Echo Song's P.O.V

I was totally confused why would she think we were friends when we just met yesterday? I seriously don't understand right now " Poppy: " well anyway the songs gonna end soon, and I realized something that I never did for you yet GlowStick!" she said with a happy tone in her voice 'oh god please don't be a party please don't be a party PLEASE DON'T BE A PARTY' I thought as I waited for her to say what I was gonna have to go through, but believe me I love a good party or two but with pop trolls, well lets just say we learned at musicville that pop trolls here can go crazy for a party, while the one's at musicville are a bit more calmer " Poppy: " it's...... A TOUR" she yelled excitingly, ' oh thank you dear music gods, THANK YOU' I though to myself after breathing a sigh of relief  " Poppy :" and because I didn't introduce you too my other friends, Echo Song this is the snack pack that's Biggie and Mr Dinkles" he then waved to me and Twilight, so I waved back " Poppy: that's Smidge, Satin and chenille, Guy diamond and his son Tiny diamond, that's Fuzzburt, that's D.J Suki, and you already know Prince Cooper of the funk trolls" as she was saying their names she was pointing to each of them, as Poppy was introducing me to everyone I noticed a love sick Trollex looking at me, but as soon as he saw me looking at him he quickly turned his head away, I blushed a little, 'Trollex is so cute and handsome.... NO WHAT AM I THINKING I CAN'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM WE JUST MET AND I CAN'T TELL HIM I HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM, OR ELSE I HAVE TO CHOOSE HIM OR MY HOME, STAY FOCUSED ECHO SONG STAY FOCUSED!!!!!!' as I was internally screaming at myself Poppy stopped introducing her friends to me " Echo Song: " Well hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi , hi, and hi " I said to each of them " Poppy: " now let's show you around, follow me!" and Poppy began to walk away with everyone following her ' there better not be any singing or else I'll throw myself into a ravine' as I then began to follow them.

* Time Skip cause I'm lazy and don't have time. *

I like having a tour of trollstopia it is a great place and I do like it but I can't get attached I just can't " Poppy: " so Echo Song what was your favorite place where the other trolls were staying Techno Lagoon, Rock Hallow, Country Corral, Classical Crest, or Vibe Town?" I thought about the towns they were all so great and interesting but there was one that was my definitely mt favorite " Echo Songs: " oh it was definitely Techno Lagoon" I said as I crossed my arms " Trollex: " yeah! she likes Techno Lagoon better!!" I giggle at his response, ' oh god..... I have a crush on him..... nooooooooo' I thought while still keeping my smile " Echo Song: " of course it's Techno Lagoon not cause I'm a Techno Troll but because it's my favorite music my second favorite is Samba, now Samba is some good music if I say so myself, so much color, beautiful outfits, oh I'm so sad I won't get to enjoy some of the Samba songs today" I said sadly I then felt someone pat me on the shoulder, I expected it to be anyone from the Snack Pack I know it wasn't Poppy or Branch because they were in the front, I turned my head to see who did it, it was...... Trollex ' oh my gggoooddd I so have the biggest crush on him right now thank goodness I can control my blush otherwise I would have been blushing hard, " Trollex : " don't worry, you'll go home soon... in 7 months" I don't know why but when he mentioned me leaving he got a little...... sad? oh my gah! he looked so cute but when he's sad, oh my heart just broke...... 'yeah I have a crush on him now I'm really sure, NICE JOB ME NICE JOB' I thought as we continued walking well Trollex was floating, I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous, I mean I missed flying I mean I like walking but when you fly you feel free and a heavy burden has been lifted " Poppy: " well we're here Echo Song oh by the way you can come out at anytime and talk to any of us including the leaders but their only staying here for a week, anyway bye I have to talk to the ambassador's I'll introduce them to you tomorrow anyway bye Echo Song!" and they all waved good bye then left I entered the house and as soon as I closed the door I got tackled down by Star Beat " Star Beat: grr RA growl growl grrr * where were you too!? I was worried sick! I thought you two would have left me alone forever!!* " I shook my head for Star Beat being so dramatic " Echo Song: " Star Beat we would never leave you alone forever stop being dramatic, we were just having a tour don't worry"  I said getting up from the floor " Twilight: " yeah we would only leave you if we found a cooler dragon then you" I glared a Twilight and flicked her on her forehead, while Star Beat slumped back to the bed, got on it and laid there " Echo Song: " Twilight was that really necessary?" I asked as I got up " Twilight: " yes. yes it was" I rolled my eyes and got onto the bed covered myself with the blanket and went to sleep along with Star Beat and Twilight. 

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