Meeting the Ambassadors

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Echo Songs P.O.V

I woke up to a stabbing pain in my tail. What a delightful way to wake up, don't you agree? "Ow ,ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!!!" I guess because of my talking Twilight and Star Beat woke up "Echo Song, are you okay? why are you in pain!?" Twilight asked as she floated around my head "OH I DON"T KNOW? MAYBE ITS BECAUSE I BUSTED MY TAIL UP?!" I cried, sarcastically. Twilight eyes widened "Okay, yeah, that makes sense, but how can I help?!" I roll my eyes, "WELL, A GOOD THING RIGHT NOW IS SOMETHING TO MAKE IT STOP!?!?" I screamed in pain. Star Beat growled. 

Star Beat: wait guys there were these pain killers in the bathroom when you guys took that tour and left me here... but go get them! 

 After she said that Twilight quickly flew into the bathroom, I heard things being thrown on the ground, what in the world was going on in there? Then Twilight came out holding a pain killer bottle with one of her antennae "Here it is I got it" Twilight then handed me the pain killer bottle, I then took one of the pills out "Now let's go get you some......Oh..." Twilight said as I swallowed the pill whole, with no hesitation "I think you were supposed to have that with water... you know what never mind, but on the description, it says it will take a while though...." I then deadpanned as a response.

I think Twilight got the message and finally decided to shut up, after waiting for some minutes the pain in my tail finally stopped, "Finally, it finally stopped" I said with a small smile, when someone knocked on the door "Great.... just great, what perfect timing" I said sarcastically as I walked to the door to see, and I'm not surprised when I say this...... Queen Poppy.... great.... "Hi Echo Song, remember when I said yesterday, I would introduce you to the ambassadors? well, it's time to meet them now so let's go!" she said grabbing my hand and then pulling me out, but luckily Star Beat got my backpack while Twilight closed the door, I took the backpack from Star Beat as Queen Poppy rudely kept pulling me to who knows where.

* 8 minutes later *

after walking for a few minutes I see other trolls talking to each other, so I naturally assumed they were the ambassadors since when Queen Poppy saw them she waved excitedly "Okay so Echo Song these are the ambassadors, say hi guys " the trolls then waved to me, and I waved back to them "So Echo Song this is Low Note Jones " she said pointing to the funk troll "  "that's Val" she said pointing to the rock troll "That's Holly Darling"  Poppy said pointing to the country troll "That's Dante" She said pointing to the classical troll "And finally that's synth- " but before Poppy could finish, Synth came straight up to me "WOW you shine like a glow stick, I could stare at you for hours!" I smiled at him for saying this "Well that's funny, actually one of my nick names is Glow stick" I said, as Synth then got excited "Oh I just know we're gonna be besties!" he said wrapping his arm around my shoulder in a friendly way. When the country troll, Holly Darling "So sugar, do you think you could tell us about your home? Poppy already filled us in about there being lots of different music trolls there, but can you tell us some of the other things there too?" when she said that it brought up memories of my home, that made me want to cry, but I kept my happy smile on so I wouldn't ruin their moods "Well for starters we have lots of beautiful animals and creatures there, next we have our kingdom it's big believe me but not as big as our wild life there, and we also have confetti cannons, we have bunkers, we have stables for tamed animals, and for underwater we have homes and some underwater shops and some underwater farms and places to party and rave like some stages, it's the same on the clouds except there's a bit more stages, Anyway you guys wanna know anything else?" I asked as Synth took his arm off my shoulder "Ooh! I do! I do! So, you guys celebrate like every music that exists right?" Synth said as he scratched his head slightly confused "Yup, we celebrate every single music that exists we even have mixed music genre's " I told them when Trollex came over "Hi guys, hi E-Echo Song " he said blushing a little when he greeted me, I saw the ambassadors look at Trollex then me four times before the puzzle pieces in their minds clicked at least I thought so "ooohhh!" they then give Trollex a smug look, I didn't understand what was going on "Anyway Trollex now that your here we can finally do what I had in mind" Poppy said excitedly. Oh no what did she plan to do? "You see I planned us a fun game but it requires 8 players but there was only 7 of us so I thought about inviting one of my friends, but now that Trollex is here we can start the game right away!" I was nervous what game did Queen Poppy want us to play? "So..... what's the game? " I asked with a nervous tone in my voice "it's....BUNCH O' SCRUNCH!!!!"

*p.s you get 1,000,000,000,000 points if you find out what show the bunch O' scrunch game is on*

Everyone was confused including me "Umm.... what's Bunch O' Scrunch and how do we play it?......" he asked looking nervous "Well we choose any childhood game, and we have 3 rounds, and we get into groups of 2 and the team that loses the most has to be decorated in a Bunch of Scrunchies!" ' oh, so that's how it got that name.' I thought "How about for the first game... hide and seek?... I mean it's cool...." I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously "Yeah sure!, now everybody get into teams of 2!" after she said that Low Note Jones and Holly darling paired up then it was Dante and Val, leaving me, Trollex, Synth, and Poppy left "I'll pair up with Poppy " Synth said walking next to Poppy but before doing that he stopped by Trollex , and whispered something to him, I don't know what synth told Trollex but all I know is that Trollex got really mad while blushing, I didn't get it, but it looked like everyone else did.

Trollex P.O.V

"I'll pair up with Poppy " my younger brother Synth said but as he was walking to Poppy, he stopped next to me and whispered into my ear "So you and your crush can hang out together~" I then blush hard and start screaming at Synth "You keep talking like that Synth, I'll feed you to the sharks!!!!!" I yelled at my younger brother "you wouldn't, you couldn't..." Synth said slyly, just as we were about to have a Mini Brawl, Echo Song stopped us "Guys don't fight, let's just start, so me and Trollex get to see any of you guys in a bunch of scrunchies since we ain't gonna lose!!" Echo Song said grabbing my hand and raising it in the air along with her own, I blushed a little from her doing this, and since this day can't get any worse everyone notices me blushing, including Poppy this time, this is gonna be great just great "Okay since none of us can seek because we're in a team we might have to-" Poppy was about to finish when Echo Song interrupted her and said "Tame a hide 'o seek bug?" Me and the others were confused "I'm sorry, but a ' hide o' seek bug' what is that exactly?" 

*Echo Songs POV* 

"Only the best bug to play hide and seek with, it plays fair, it loves fun! it loves trollings to adults! you can tame it with a funny pun or joke" I said excitedly, "Speaking of a hide o' seek bug there's one now!" I say pointing behind them, behind them was a pastel purple bug with pastel pink wings and pastel teal antenna and little legs on a log "Wait the cotton candy bug is actually a hide 'o seek bug?" Wait they called the Hide o' seek bug a Cotten candy bug? Seriously what type of name is that? "*sighs* one second" I said as I walked over to the Hide o' seek bug "Hi there knock, knock" the hide o' seek bug chittered "Orange" the bug chittered again "Orange you glad I told you this joke?" The bug laughed a little "Wanna hear a pizza joke? Never mind it's too cheesy!" the bug laughed a little louder and a bit longer this time "Do you want me to tell you a joke about towels? I have to warn you... it's a little dry!" The bug then laughed so hard that it fell of the log it was on "Hey, would you mind if I asked you to be the seeker in me and those guys game, would you?" I asked kindly, the bug got up and then shook its head signaling it didn't mind "Okay come follow me then" I then lead it to the others "Now that's how you tame a Hide o' seek bug!" I said triumphantly, as the others looked shocked. "LET THE GAMES COMENCE!!!!! " I said with my arms raised in the air.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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