I Only Want One Thing (Part 2)

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Meliodas came home from work tired and dizzy as the coughing he had experienced had only worsened throughout the day with him barely able to be composed enough to work at the grocery store stocking items.

He didn't know how, but the day passed in a blurr and he had managed to complete his shift, although his work was less than good with how dazed he had been.

Please, please, please don't get worse. I can't afford another hospital bill. Besides, they haven't been able to find anything anyway. I need to be okay. The kids are already worried enough and I want to give them a nice Christmas. Somethjng I can't really do from a hospital bed.

Staggering to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and found a pizza, something that made him feel a little better knowing they has already eaten.

Not bothering to get any as he wouldn't be able to stomach it anyway, he forced himself up the stairs slowly as his body felt too heavy to do so.

Eventually after several painstaking minutes, he made it up there before turning right to his two younger sibling's room to see them both fast asleep. He had called twenty minutes ago to check on them and told Esta he could head to bed since he would be there soon. The poor boy must have been as exhausted as Meliodas. After all, he was looking after Zeldy now more than himself.

Oh how that thought stung.

Their mother had left when Zeldris was two and their father died a year later from an accident caused by him driving drunk. Accidents that had both made Meliodas have to take charge and look after the kids.

He had been seventeen at the time and had luckily gotten custody of the boys after one of his dad's friends got official custody and let Meliodas take care of the siblings. He used to check in once a month or so, but the blond was twenty now and had gotten custody shortly after turning eighteen, so the man had stopped check ins after that. A good thing too, because Meliodas barely had energy to clean and the house was a mess because of it.

He had managed to stumble back down stairs and headed to the couch where his legs finally gave out.

Oh god... Am I going to die too and leave those boys even more alone? They already lost their parents, and although Zeldris doesn't remember them, Esta does. He was six after all when our dad died. I can't do that to them... I can't leave them like that. Would they go in the system? No, don't think about things like that. I'm still alive now, and at the very least I can make this Christmas better than last year. I have to. I have to at least give them one day where they aren't stressed out and scared about what's going to happen to me.

The cough coming up in his throat again, he took deep breaths and slowly drifted off after a few minutes, the last sensation being the metallic taste of the blood that had filled every hack.


Meliodas tried to regain his bearings as his head was pounding and his lungs hurt, like he had gone far too long without air. Although that was only part of why he was alarmed. The other part was because he woke up on the floor and couldn't move his body at all.

Fear filling him as he tried to remain calm and think of the best thing to do without alarming the boys, he tried to get up but found his head only hurt worse and it was accompanied by his vision starting to fade.

Okay... stay calm. I can't move and I need to get to the hospital, which unfortunately means I need to get Esta to call for me. Crap, I need them both to come with me since Estarossa needs to come and I can't leave Zeldris home alone. But I don't want to cause a panic. Damn, what do I do?

Trying to take a deep breath but only hurting his lungs more, Meliodas did his best to keep his voice steady and loud as he tried to get his brother's attention from upstairs.

"H-Hey Esta! Zel! Can you come down here please!"

It took so much effort for him to muster up the one shout. Which meant he prayed desperately to avoid having to do it again as he wasn't sure he could.

Please wake up please wake up please wake up.

Much to his relief, he saw their light turn on as footsteps shuffled around before heading downstairs.

"M-Meli? Why are you calling us so late-"

The sentence cut off as the boy ran to him.

"Mel! A-Are you okay? Wh-Why are you on the ground? Are you hurt?"

"I'm perfectly fine Esta, everything is okay. I just need you to please call nine one one for me to be safe. I'm having a little of a hard time getting up right now."

Even he was shocked by how calm he sounded, but Esta still seemed panicked, making it even worse when Zeldy slowly followed the motions of his brother as he went downstairs.

"Meli! Why are you on the floor? Are you hurt? Did you throw up again? A-Are y-you gonna die?"

He started crying as he said the last sentence and instantly Mel went into action.

"No! I'm not dying; come here Zel."

The boy sniffled and gently leaned down to his brother.

"See? I'm okay. I just need to go to the doctor for a little check up to be sure. I'm perfectly fine, see?"

The blond managed to shakily lift his arms to pull the boy to his chest as it hurt very badly to do so.

"I-I called the number. They're sending an ambulance okay? Please be okay Mel."

Oh no.. that's an extra thousand dollars down the drain.

"I'm gonna be okay. Come here Esta, everything is gonna be fine."

The two boys were snuggled against his chest as one cried openly and the other tried to hide his tears.

"Shhh.. it's alright. Everything is okay."

He comforted them as much as he could while pushing down his own fear, because he of all people knew it absolutely wasn't okay. Coughing up blood, passing out, feeling like he couldn't breath, the headrush, he had no idea what was wrong and neither did the doctors. However it was starting to reach alarming and dangerous levels that could mean this was something fatal. And even worse, something completely unavoidable and unknown.

Hearing the alarms, he squeezed the two boys tightly before they got up to let the paramedics take him into the vehicle. He told them to the best of his ability his symptoms before they put him on oxygen and took him away with his brothers both by his side the whole time.

Heh, some Christmas huh? I can't believe that two days before the holiday I'm going to the hospital in an ambulance with my brothers both completely freaked out and probably scarred for their lives. Even worse, this might be the last one I get to share with them.

I forgot my original plan for this, but I hope you still like the chapter! It's actually based on a true story. Or at least this chapter is. When I was little my grandfather babysat me while my parents were on a trip. He called me and I went out into the living room to find him on the floor. He had a history of heart attacks and used to be in the medical field so he knew it was best to stay put, but he had me call my grandmother who called an ambulance for him. I kept it together and called family to let them know and only broke down after he left. I think I was nine or so. That's what I based this little chapter on. (3

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