I Only Want One Thing (Part 3)

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Esta and Zel were forced to stay in the lobby once their brother was taken back as a nurse kept an eye on them. Zeldris was nearly hysterical while Estarossa was deep in thought.

What did this mean? What was wrong with Meliodas? Was it fatal? Was he going to die just like their dad? Would they have to go into foster care? Would their mom come back and take care of them? Would she stay away? Would they have to go through losing another family member? In fact, losing the only one to care about him and his younger brother.

Oh so many thoughts were swimming in his head as he paced with no idea what to do or expect. All he could do was wait and tune out the noise of his brother sobbing while the nurse tried to comfort him.

Eventually, after what felt like hours yet no time at all, the boy was startled by a doctor coming out and smiling at the boys in a professional manor.

"You two can see him now."

As soon as the six little words were uttered, the two boys ran into the room as fast as allowed and Zeldris immediately tackled Meliodas once arrived.

"Oof! Heh, I take it you missed me, huh?"

"I-I was s-so s-scared M-Meliii!"

He started sobbing all over again as the blond shushed him and rubbed Zeldris's back.

"It's okay Zel. Shhh, it's okay. It was just a bad case of Pneumonia that I was too dumb to get checked out."

"I-Is that why you've been th-throwing up s-so much?"

"W-Well.. no, but it's why I was on the ground when you found me. It made it hard for me to breath when I was sleeping, so I wasn't getting enough air when I woke up to move my body properly. It's also why my head hurt so bad."

"B-But why d-do you *sniff sniff* s-still get so sick if it isn't the pn- pneu- pneumooon.."


Mel answered for the tot struggling with the word.

"I don't know little guy.. I really don't."

"Well I might."


Meliodas looked over at the doctor who had just come back into the room with a bewildered expression.

"If I'm being honest, I'm ashamed you've had a record with so many doctors and specialists yet none of them bothered to give you a proper blood test."

"What do you mean? I've had tons of blood work done."

"Yes but for different things. Heart issues, testing blood sugar, etc. And although you were tested for what I think you have, there were complications in the move of bloodwork and instead of admitting it, the person responsible said everything came back normal to avoid getting in trouble. Thus causing the confusion and lack of answers that I'm sure has frustrated you so far."

"S-So you're saying that you know what I have?"

"Yes I believe so. We'll do some proper testing with better monitoring this time just to be sure however I think that we might find the answer tonight Mr Tasuya."

An overwhelming feeling of both relief and fear filled Meliodas as he awaited answers he had been searching for and had feared for so long.

"Wait um... before we do this, I need to make a call. I have someone to look after the kids for awhile while this gets done. I don't want them just waiting around here in the hospital for me."

"Mel no! I'm not gonna leave you here! What if something happens or if the news is bad! I want to know what's going on too!"

"Esta, I know you do. And I know how much you worry about me, but you need to be strong right now. I know I'm asking a lot of you, but think about your little brother. He's scared to be in here, and I can't imagine how much harder it'll be on him to wait around in a place full of sick people for hours with nothing to do but worry about me and think of the worst. Right now it's your job to make sure he's okay, just as it's my job to do the same for both of you."

"I-I can st-stay Meli. I-I'll be fine."

Esta looked over at the little one practically shaking from how scared he was over this whole situation.

"Okay, I'll go. Are you sending us to Uncle Cusack?"

"Yeah, if he can take you. This is really short notice and I don't know if he's even in town. But if he is, it's the best I can do. I'm sorry Estarossa, but I don't have anywhere else to put you."

Zeldris was always perfectly fine with Cusack, saw him as an uncle of sorts, which is why they called him as such. But Estarossa.... he had different opinions. Cusack was their dad's friend that has "supervision of them", and Estarrosa resented that he hadn't done more in the role given to him. He was incredibly protective of Meliodas, and had understood enough at the time to know that if he had been more involved, Meliodas wouldn't have had to raise them like he did."

"Are you sure you'll be okay Meli?"

"I'll be fine, they're just doing some tests after all."

Eyes searched those of an emerald hue to try to find any lies hidden behind them, but eventually the owner of said eyes just sighed and hugged his big brother tightly.

"Please be okay Mel... I love you."

"I love you too kiddos, both of you very much."

After the moment passed as the doctor waited patiently, the boys were lead out of the room by a nurse as Meliodas called the old acquaintance for

The ring of his phone made his anxieties slowly rise out of fear no reply would follow it. But luckily, eventually, the ring cut off, and a groggy voice was on the line.

"W-Who the hell is calling me at two in the morning!?  You better have a good excuse!"

"Hey.. Cusack."

The angry but groggy toned changed fast to shock from hearing a voice that hadn't really called since getting custody.


"Hey, I know it's late, but I... need a favor."

"Huh? You need a favor from me? What's going on?"

"I-I know it's last minute, and that I... don't ever call really, but.. I need you to look after Zeldris and Esta for awhile. Is that um... is that okay?"

Mel's voice broke as realization of what he might find out hit him hard. He might not just be asking for right now with Cusack watching the kids, he might be asking again shortly in the future depending on the news. Only not for them to stay just the night...

If he started to decline, mentally or physically, he didn't want the kids to be around to watch. Not to mention he'd likely not be able to work anymore, which would mean he wouldn't he able to support the boys along with his hospital bills. In fact, he might not even be able to handle the hospital bills alone.

"I mean... yeah sure I guess. You're kind of freakin me out though. What's going on? Everything okay?"

"Y-Yeah um.. everything's fine. I just have a little health scare going on and want them to be taken care of? Kay?"

"What kind of health scare?"

The concern and uncomfortableness was growing in Cusack's voice as Meliodas sighed and blurted out the next few sentences before his composure would break.

"C-Cusack please. I know I'm asking a lot from you, but I'm still finding out things myself, so please if you can, just come pick them up at the local hospital. Once I find out more I'll explain everything, I promise, okay?"

"Y-Yeah sure... alright."

Mel let out a breath of relief before thanking the man and hanging up. Already preparing himself for what would come.

Part three is up! This'll probably have five parts or so. Also I know I'm saying this a lot more lately, but I'm sorry for not posting near as often as I used to. I've been overwhelmed with a lot of different things. Luckily mostly good, but it's making focusing on writing more difficult. I don't want to just keep giving out excuses though, so I'll keep writing when I can! (:

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