I Only Want One Thing (part 1)

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Zeldris stuck his tongue out in concentration as he wrote carefully in blue ink on the paper that meant everything to the small boy.

It was the time of year that kids waited to come for the whole year, and the time that emptied a lot of parents bank accounts but filled their hearts with joy.

Christmas time.

It was still two days away, and yet the Christmas cheer had already spread infectiously, no matter the age. Zeldris and his two older brothers Estarossa and Meliodas weren't exceptions.

The house was filled with the scent of cinnamon and lit up with the lights draped over the tree, while the person responsible for both was in the kitchen doing some finishing touches on a Christmas sign he made.

Zeldris listened to him hum some Christmas tunes to himself while the ravenette scribbled furiously the last and most important sentence of his list to Santa.

It wasn't long after he finished writing that the blond had come out of the kitchen with a finished sign and a proud smile on his face.

"Well? Have ya finished your list yet? I thought you were writing a novel with how long you were taking. You looked so serious too."

The boy in question gave a pout at the teasing.

"Of course this is serious! This is the most important letter to Santa that has ever been written! I need to make sure that Santa knows how urgent it is."

Meli gave a small smile at his brother's cuteness before picking him up and putting him down in his lap as he sat in Zeldris's previous chair.

"Oh really? Well what is it that's so important? If it's so special then maybe I should know about it too, that way I know that that is the gift I shouldn't steal from you."

"Meli! You can't steal any of my gifts!"

"I can't? Why not?"

"Because then Santa will put you on the naughty list and you won't get any more gifts!"

The teen chuckled as the boy it was directed at looked at him worriedly. Completely convinced that Santa wouldn't give him anymore gifts if he did that.

"Alright, I tell you what.. I won't steal your gifts, if you clean your room tonight. Sound good?

Zeldris looked disappointed by the chore given to him, but decided that his brother's reputation meant more.

"Okay. But I need to put this in the mailbox first."

"I'll put it in there, just focus on your room. The faster you clean it the faster you can go play."

The child gave him an uncertain look, as if worried that the list would explode in the ten second trip it would take for Meliodas to get to the mailbox.

"Okay... but you can't look at it! If you do than Santa might not get it for me!"

Once again, the blond chuckled. Promising that he wouldn't look before shooing off his sibling to go clean his room.

Heading outside so the child wouldn't catch him, he carefully prepared to open the letter.

"Alright kiddo.. what is it this year? I hope nothin too expensive, I can't really afford anything too big."

Putting his thumb under the corner of the envelope, he went to rip before an unfortunately familiar feeling tore through him and forced him to run to the bathroom hurriedly.

Heartbreaking retching was heard as Meliodas vomited and eventually began dry heaving into the toilet, all the while terrifying both Estarossa and Zeldris.

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