eleven ✓ eddie boy saves the day

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chapter ; eleven

title ; eddie boy saves the day

act one ; twilight

Isla wanted to go home. The only person who had shown up to the coffee shop was her father, who had shown up out of thin air. Checking the clock, the teenager started to clean up everything before grabbing her phone and keys off the counter. She made her way towards the door, opening it and then locking up. It was dark out as she began to walk, she didn't mind as she continued to make her way over towards the restaurant that she would have dinner at before going home, knowing her grandparents would be asleep.

Isla turned towards an alley way, walking forward, she could see a few men walk past but stoped when they saw her walking by herself and decided to walk towards her. Isla simply turned back the way she came from, not wanting to interact with them. Knowing it wasn't safe to continue on towards the men.

Isla kept walking, pretending she didn't even notice them or that her heart wasn't pounding in her chest in fear. "Saw you in the coffee shop." One of the men slurred, making it known to the teenager that they were drunk.

"Hey, where you running to?" The other yelled out as Isla continued to walk away from them.

Isla turned around to see the other half of the drunk men coming her way, grinning creepily when they saw her. One of the guys with the longer hair tossed a beer can to the other side where his friends were, the girl whipping her head around to follow it's path.

Isla turned to try to walk away but one of them grabbed her and pulled her towards them. "Where are you going?" Isla continued to shove them away, her heart beat getting faster "Come get a drink with us." They insisted drunkenly.

The drunk men continued to insist and pester the girl. Isla moved away only to see Bella walk right into one of the guys.

The male Bella bumped into grabbed her arm and pulled her close, which caused Isla to yell for her.

And maybe this was a reason why Isla like females.

Isla and Bella's breathing continued to quicken as they tried to escape from them.

"I don't think they like that." One guy who was wearing a baseball cap realised, when he saw the two girls try and push the men away.

"You're pretty." One of them played with a stand of hair and Isla slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me." She snarled, trying to push them away from her as they continued to lightly push her and Bella around trying to get them to have a drink and play with them.

Her mind was starting to think of horrible outcomes if she stayed and if she continued to fight back, it might turn out horribly as well.

"Don't touch me!" Bella exclaimed, finally snapping and accidentally pushing one of the guys with her hand, causing him to groan out in pain.

Isla pulled out her keys and held it in her hand, as much as she wanted to ram the key into the guy that held her eyes, she didn't. "Bitch, punched me!" He yelled out furiously.

The sound of tires screeching came bursting through, causing the group of guys to halter as they turned to look at what was going on as they all saw a grey Volvo come drifting in towards them and Isla used that moment of hesitation to jump away from them, pulling Bella along with her.

The car stopped only a few mere inches before it hit the group of guys, who had each gasped and yelled out as they tried to take a few steps back so the car didn't hit them.

Edward got out of his seat, leaving the door wide. "Get in the car." He simply ordered the two girls, never taking his eyes off of the group of men. Isla didn't hesitate and quickly moved into the back seat, not wanting to argue with the boy after she had noticed the dangerous and angry look in his eye. Bella seemed to hesitate which caused Isla to get out and grab her, pulling her towards the Volvo, practically pushing her into the passenger seat.

Edward turned back and got into the car, his eyes filled with rage and was not exactly thinking straight as he put the car into drive as he moved the car forward and towards the guys, making them all stumble backwards.

The tires coming to a screeching stop when he heard Bella and Isla screaming at him to stop.

He put the car into reverse and turned the car around and towards the streets, Isla seeing the group of guys running away as she gripped onto the door handle as Edward slid the car around oncoming traffic.

"I'm not sure how much your sister would like it if you got me into an accident with this kind of driving Edward."

𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora