-Part eleven-

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Zara's pov

It's now the next day at work and I'm in the back talking to Ava about my "date"

"WAIT so you're telling me he KISSED YOUR FOREHEAD!! Girl that for sure was a date, I mean he even basically hinted at it a couple of times too!!" Ava screeches

"Ya, he did...I don't know it's just maybe he's just being nice? And he never straight up said it was a date, we were just there to talk about the nanny thing" I say

"Girl NO man would take someone to a NICE ass restaurant take them to the DAMN PRIVATE ROOF, all to 'discuss some nanny thing' ya babe that was for sure a date...and ALSO who in the living hell would kiss the forehead of someone they were having a business dinner with," she says

I mean she does have a point there, before I can say anything she continues

"And OMG do not get me started on the whole him slipping in the boyfriend thing BYEEE it's so obvious he was making sure you were single, and he could've easily have grabbed a seat somewhere in the restaurant where everyone else sat but NO he went and took you to the damn ROMANTIC roof!!" She starts laughing

"Ya, but he owns the restaurant...so it's easy for him to do all that and maybe he took me up there just to get privacy and have no one interrupting the business talk, and let's not forget I started the whole talk about relationships...I am sure he just was asking it back just so he knew more about me for the nanny thing" I say while shrugging

"Girl you are so clueless when it comes to men, " she says while rolling her eyes

"Whatever" I mumble under my breath

"Girl ima search him on google!!" She screeches like it's the best idea

"NO DON'T!! That's a total rude thing to do plus the internet can twist things so it's no point and I don't want to pry into his life" I say

"Well know one is making you but as your best friend it's my duty to make sure this man is not a criminal or something!!" She says in a 'duh' tone

I just put the macaroons in the oven and I started baking a cake when she suddenly screams

"What's wrong Ava?" I question

" girl this man is like a MILLIONAIRE!! And he's like the HOTTEST bachelor available! And my hot ass friend managed to go out with him!! HOT DAMN you're lucky!" She starts giggling

that explains the whole him having a cook thing...

"Ya, it definitely wasn't a date if he's the hottest bachelor why out of all the girls would he want to date me?" I say stirring the batter

"Girl, be quiet you're absolutely stunning and this man would be the luckiest man in the world to get a date with you, do NOT put yourself down you hear me..." she says sternly

"Ya ya I hear you," I say

Before we could continue with our conversation one of my employees comes into the back

"Hey, Zara umm Mia is asking specifically for you...do you know who that is?" My employee asks

Aww, she came here...wait does that me Enzo is here?

Holy oh gosh I look like a mess right now! My hair is in a messed up bun, and my apron is covered in flour and batter, and I'm sure I have flower smudged on my face

"Is she alone?" I ask making sure this isn't like our first encounter all over again

"Umm no she's with freaking ENZO Moretti !!! Like he's here in our bakery RIGHT now, I can't believe it, he's even more gorgeous in perso-" she starts rambling but I decide to cut her off

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