-Part forty nine-

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Zara's pov

It's been a couple of months, and I haven't had any sort of nightmares for a while

I did go through a little bit of a depression stage after killing my dad but Enzo was with me every step of the way just how he promised me and it took some time but I am mostly okay now

But other then that Life's been great, a couple of months ago was my birthday and Enzo took me to dinner and then got me some beautiful jewelry and a photo album full of photos of all of us, Even pictures of Enzo's parents and me when we were in Italy, it was the first birthday I felt truly happy and excited for

And life's been really great Enzo and I have been getting closer and closer and the trust and love has been growing more and more

Tonight...I did have a nightmare it was how my parents were alive and came after Enzo, Mia and I ...Enzo woke up and saw I was in cold sweats...

Enzo's pov

Zara and I have been doing amazing these past couple of months except when she was a little depressed a couple months back but I made sure to be there for her and other then that it's been okay and she hasn't had any nightmares or panic attacks in while

She even isn't scared of the rain anymore...each time it rained I would take her out in the rain and we would slow dance

Her face would light up each time we did it, she's not as afraid of the dark anymore I would take her star gazing all the time and little by little she wasn't scared anymore

And even though she's not scared we continue to do it because it's nice and peaceful to sit out on the balcony with each other and talk

And dancing in the rain makes her happy and is do anything to make her happy

I thought that her nightmares would almost completely go away now that her parents are dead and can't hurt her anymore, but I guess sometimes your mind plays tricks on you...

Because Sadly tonight I had to wake her up from a nightmare

She jolted awake in cold sweats breathing hard and tears following down her cheeks

"Sweetheart, hey hey look at me," I told her cupping her cheeks

"You're okay, your safe, I'm here, your not alone" I whispered

She shook her head No and took the sheets off

"Okay let's go to the balcony" I tell her grabbing her hand to lead her outside

The balcony in our room here in New York used to never get used but these past couple of months Zara and I would look at the stars at night with a cup of tea and talk and it's been nice

I know she feels worse with a panic attack coming on without fresh air

I sit on the balcony chair and she climbs in my lap crying and breathing hard

"Your fine sweetheart, was it about your parents?" I ask

She nods her head

"Hey look at me...they can't hurt you anymore I promise I saw their bodies as they took them away, I promise they can't hurt you anymore," I said stroking her hair and bringing her close to me

"They hurt you and Mia in the dream" she whispers

"it's ok it was just a dream, hey beautiful look at me," I say cupping her cheeks

"I know but still," she says choking on sobs

"Tell me what you see outside..." I ask

I learned that when someone has a panic attack you need to distract them from their thoughts

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