-Part thirty two-

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Zara's pov

It's now Christmas Eve, we're outside playing in the snow, Enzo and I are helping Mia build a snowman

"That's not how you do it, daddy!" Mia exclaims

"Sorry sweetie, how do I do it" Enzo chuckles

The tension has been getting bigger and higher with each day, every time we pass each other in the kitchen and our arms brush, or when our legs touch under the table, it's getting unbearable being with him without absolutely pouncing on the man

"Like this" Mia smiles up at Enzo

"Okay" he chuckles

After about 15 minutes of building a snowman...no sorry a snow PRINCESS... as Mia said she was

Mia gets up and says "I'm gonna go drink some water daddy I'll be right back," she says running inside

"Okay," he says

The minute she leaves it's like the wall of tension is even higher

My thoughts get interrupted by Enzo throwing a snowball at me

"HEY" I yelp

He just laughs "what? I didn't even do anything" with a grin

I quickly make a snowball and throw it at him

"YOUR ON muffin" he yells

I immediately start running around the backyard while throwing snowballs at him laughing and trying to dodge the ones he throws at me

Suddenly I'm on the ground

I yelp

"Gotcha" Enzo whispers in my ear

"I win" he grins

"That's not fair you cheater," I say laughing

We're both breathing very heavy from running around the yard in the snow

He's hovering over top of me as I'm laying in the snow

We're both looking into each other's eyes

He brushes his fingers across my face " assolutamente Bello" he says (absolutely beautiful)

"What's that mean" I whisper suddenly feeling like the air is being suffocated around us

"Absolutely beautiful," he says inching closer to my face

We both move closer, our lips so so close we're so incredibly close I can feel his breath on my lips

Our lips are about to touch

Until we get hit with snowballs

"I hit you, daddy" Mia laughs jumping up and down

GOSH DANG IT, First Ava interrupts that first time and now Mia

"Yeah you did sweetie," Enzo says

He takes a deep breath and rests his forehead on mine

What I don't expect him to do is before standing up to whisper in my ear "I will get that kiss" and pecks the sensitive area by my ear

Well suddenly I feel as if all this snow is gonna melt from how hot it is

He chuckles and gets up and helps me up as well

"I'm gonna get you for that" Enzo laughs chasing Mia

He's so cute running after Mia

I just sit in the chair watching them playing with snowballs chasing each-other

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