-Part forty seven-

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Zaras pov

I walk into the warehouse with Enzo by my side

Time to have my main character hot woman lead moment

Man I read to many books...

"Hello mother...father," I say looking at them

"Unlock the chains Zara" mother says sweetly

"Help your dear parents," father says

I laugh "what parents I don't see any"

"All I see is the people who abused, tortured and hurt me all my life...you're no parent's you are pure monsters and pieces of shit," I say

"HOW DARE your speak to us that way" mother says flipping a switch back to her pure evil self

"WE HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT GIVE YOU THE GRAND LIFE! You lived in a damn mansion, could go anywhere you wanted and you treat us this way" Father shouts

"Excuse you? I may have lived in a mansion but I slept on the cold floor of a cellar most days because of you, and I could go where I wanted but if you didn't like where I went you would punish me! The only life you gave me was one filled with pain and misery" I say shaking my head in disgust

"I had to feed myself, Because you refused to feed your own damn child, I had no friends and guys in my life because according to you 'I don't deserve people who care for me' you are horrible people and even worse parents" I say

"HOW COULD YOU hurt your own child!! I did everything to please you and hope that MAYBE JUST MAYBE one day you would realize the pain you were inflicting on your child and you would stop...but no it just got worse and worse" I say pissed off

"Oh SHUT THE HELL UP!" Father shouts


"DONT you speak to her that way," Antonio says walking in the warehouse with Sophia

"ANTONIO, SOPHIA, Save us these insane people kidnapped us" mother shouts

Antonio laughs darkly

"I think you meant to say that your child kidnapped you? Oh And my son..." Antonio raises a brow in challenge

Both my parents tense

"We all kidnapped you and not only that we will put you through what your daughter had to endure," Sophia says

"We didn't even do anything, DON'T believe the child she's sick in the head" Mother says

"YEAH, She needs help "father says

I chuckle "would you like me to show the scars you put in my body as proof?" I say raising a brow

"Oh please like we said your sick you did that to yourself" mother rolls her eyes

Antonio grabs a knife and cuts off the shirts of both my parents

"Now....would you like the first cut, Zara?" Antonio says handing me the knife

I nod taking it

Before I walk Enzo kisses my temple and whispers "I love you, Zara "

"I love you Enzo" I whisper back kissing his cheek

"Now where would you like your first cut mother? Perhaps stomach?" I raise a brow

"YOUR SICK" Mother shouts trying to get out of the chains

Sophia kicks her in the stomach "shut your mouth up" she spits out

"HOW DARE YOU, We have been loyal employees for over 10 years" father spits out

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