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"B U T !" H I S V O I C E boomed and he stood up till his face was only a few inches away from mine. His eyes would flicker between my own two and my breath got caught up in my throat.

"But" he whispered gently.

A thumb swiped across my cheek ever so gently, wiping away the hot tears that ran down my skin. I closed my eyes and swallowed hard at the contact.

His skin on mine, even the littlest touch sent me into overdrive. We weren't in the real world anymore, it was like an alternate universe with just us. Like we were in some sort of bubble, isolated from the big bad world.

"But...I can't get you out of my head. I'm so attracted to you. I want to fuck you constantly. Hear your strangled cries underneath me as I pound you. Your an itch that when scratched, it still doesn't go away. It never does" he then pressed his forehead against mine.

His hand cups my cheek while his thumb catches on my bottom lip and pulls it down. I let out a breath I didn't realise I had been holding in for so long.

"So all I amount to is an itch? You don't want me, you want to fuck me. That's a huge difference" I voiced in a stern voice.

I was angry at him for all that had occurred. He made my life bearable for the short time I was able to call him my mate. Then when he mated my sister it just made everything ten times worse. He doesn't realise how much this has fucked me up and how much this will forever affect me going forward.

I look into his eyes, so bewitching. So beautiful yet so ugly. The eyes are the window to the soul. His soul was unpleasant but that unpleasantness was masked by pretty blue orbs.

A sweet song began to play from my phone, I'd never heard it before but it fit the moment flawlessly. It was a bittersweet goodbye from both our parts.

One day I'll be gone and Vincent will be only a memory. Sometimes our forever with someone, is the things we remember about them up until our very last breath.

His goodbye was caving in and letting us have one last 'dance'. He leaned in and pressed his lips against my own. A nippy sensation hit them, and I had no doubt he felt it too.

Like a burning feeling but it's pleasurable and makes you feel euphoric. The kiss seemed so sweet and innocent. So gentle and delicate.

However the lust and desire we had for each other made our contact dangerous and out of control. Like an inferno.

Our hands roamed ever so slightly around each other. He pulled me even closer so my chest was firmly against his and my legs were almost tangled in his.

His hand trailed slowly down my thigh, then back up to my hip. For once I pretended that there was no Hayley, no baby, no awful family or hateful pack, no unfairness and discrimination.

I'm probably stupid for doing this, for letting Vincent get slightly intimate with me. But it's hard to let someone go when the connection runs so deep.

You can never really fully explain how you feel about someone, about how good they make you feel inside, about how they feel against you and the physical contact you share. You'll only understand once you experience it yourself.

I place my hands on his hard toned chest and separate my lips from his. He growls however and forces himself on my lips, once again.

His kiss got deeper, stronger, more enthralling. It was strenuous trying to pull away but I pushed hard against his chest and he finally let me go. He took a step back but never stopped the eye contact we had going on.

"We can't do this anymore Vincent" I sigh.

"I don't deserve this and you know that. You can't give my sister all of your love and attention then give me crumbs. It's not right!"

"I know Hadley. Trust me I do. It's hard keeping away from you, it's hard not being able to be the mate you deserve. I do have an incurable lust for you, but I also love yo–"

"No you don't" I said softly.

"What?" He replies, clearly in confusion about why I would say that he doesn't love me.

"If you loved me you wouldn't be causing me so much torment. You never told anyone we were mates, you chose my sister to be your Luna, your bride, your pups mother. You marked me then claimed it to be a mistake, then without hesitation threw me into the dungeons and left. You also knocked up my sister and you guys haven't been together that long, like seriously you couldn't of waited?" I question with a fierce tone.

"I-" he begins but I'm quick to shut him up.

"You have caused me so much stress and anxiety I just can't take it anymore. Mentally I am shutting down and if I can't get myself sorted out I'll be lucky to even be able to get out of bed in the morning. My family give me enough hassle, I don't need it from you" my voice breaks down and I bring my hand to my forehead in distress. I take a deep inhale, then exhale.

Vincent is just staring at me astoundingly, by my statements and confessions. Finally he gets to hear how I feel, what all of this has done to me.

"I don't want to be apart of whatever this is anymore. This confusing love triangle where you love my sister because you cherish her, but you love me because I make you insane with desire and wanting for my body. It's a situation I'm not willing to be apart of. From this day on we will continue to act as though we don't really know each other. We won't talk and we'll never share any sort of physical contact again. Now, please get out" I point toward the door .

"I really am sorry, for everything" he sympathetically says and turns towards the door.

"Sometimes sorry isn't enough to fix the thing you've destroyed" I whisper and let another tear fall down my cheek.

He just leaves the room without saying another word. The door closes behind him and I fall to the ground like a glass of water being spilled into a puddle over the floor.

I start hiccuping along with my quiet sobs and let the waterworks endlessly flow. I still don't know how or why this has happened to me, what the whole two mates deal is. But I've told him my peace and that's the end of it.


Your only the best writer you can be when you use your life experiences as inspiration and guidelines for your creations. Raw heartbreak and dull emotion is what when used, can convey a great story. Your telling your experiences through fiction as a way to release all the pent up torment.
If your going through a painful transition in your love experience then don't forget; 'Remembering someone up until your last breath, is maybe the only forever you two were meant to have'

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