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I ' L L H A V E T O admit to the fact that event though it has now come Christmas time- a festive holiday period which is suppose to be spent with the ones you hold close to you- i had never felt more isolated from life.

My main focus these past two months have been my job and making the money i need to make it on my own. I'd totally cut off my best friend and not because i wanted too, but, simply because i had no time to spend free with her. I'd started packing some belongings i planned to take with me and i shoved them in a bag which lay stiff under my bed.

I exchanged hardly two words to my family if at all since i was out during the day, then sleeping at night. Or Celestè would take me to a bar in the city to help de-stress after a busy day selling dresses and fabrics.

I wasn't worried about anyone from my pack coming into the store and noticing me. Of course my mother had shopped here before with me and my sister, but i was certain that was just a one off as usually we have pack members make our clothes and dresses.

I truly believe that day my mother was trying to spend time with me and my sister and possibly make us closer. To create that twin bond she'd always dreamt for us. It's like Marnie tries to make an effort with me but something holds her back from giving me her full affections. I was certain that was my fathers doing.

He has been able to influence the whole family into believing i'm just a bad planted seed who is weak yet evil. Imagine the person who created you hating you that much. He'd certainly kill me if he could get away with it.

I begged Celestè to let me work everyday for as long as she would let me. She knew my situation was urgent. We were closed on Sundays to customers but the shop was kept open for us to clean and steam the dresses. I also got a plastic money bag with some cash as the end of the week was payday. I'd made fifteen hundred dollars after my first month which was crazy to me.

It's a lot of cash for so little time however, it still wasn't enough to keep me surviving on my own. My plan was to make three to four grand, so that i could then put a deposit down on a small apartment. Then find a job, any sort of job, within reason.

I knew for sure i was leaving this continent, ready to set foot on another. It's exciting yet frightening how easy i've been able to detach myself from my home. I guess home is where the heart is, and my heart yearns for no one in the place i've lived all my life.

Today was Sunday and also Christmas Eve. I'd done what i needed to do for Celestè and now i was on my way home. I wrapped my grey coloured scarf around my cold neck and shoved my hands into the warm toasty pockets of my coat.

When i entered the house i expected my family to be loud with festivities but the house was instead as quiet as a mouse. My only guess is they could be with the Alpha and his wife. That family will soon be forever connected to mine, so my family spending Christmas with them isn't surprising.

Damn. If only i had the money i could just slip away right now. Be 'gone with the wind'. A classic movie, i loved it when i first watched it.

I jogged up the stairs and to my bedroom. Slipping off my coat, then my scarf and hanging them in my wardrobe. I remove a small plastic money bag from one of the pockets. The plastic concealing a bunch of rolled up notes.

I open the money bag and take out the bills, counting them up in my hand in a fast pace. Five hundred and sixty dollars in total. Taking my overall savings to just over two thousand. Not bad, but still not enough.

I sigh and stuff the notes back into the money pouch then bend down to pull my runaway bag out from under my bed. The plastic is placed under a bunch of clothes, well hidden just incase someone decides to come snooping in my room. No doubt my sister.

"Ehem?" I hear a voice behind me.

"Whats that?"

I let out a frustrated sigh and close my eyes for a couple seconds. Wow i must be a fucking psychic, i just thought about this bitch discovering my stash right as she came behind me.

"None of your business. Also why are you home?" I say to Hayley as i rise from my crouched position. As i look over at her i see a smirk arise on her face while she stares down at my secret bag.

I kick it under the bed with the back of my foot and cross my arms over my chest. She cocks her head slightly but doesn't remove the snarky ass smirk.

"Mom and Dad are with Ford and Esmerelda so is everyone else. We are staying at the alpha house tonight, us all being family now" Hayley replied in a teasing tone.

"Your not invited of course" She snickers.

"I don't really care. Now get the fuck out my room" I point toward the door.

Hayley tuts "Careful how you speak to me. Pig. Not only am i your future Luna, i also know your little secret"

She gestures to the bag under the bed "There's no secret i'm not hiding anything"

"So why hide a bag of clothes and money under your bed?" She interrogates and it begins to piss me off.

I feel my palms become itchy so i begin to scratch at them with such force they turn bright red. I ball my fists up at my sides. "Did you not hear me saying it's none of your business?"

"Looks to me like you're running away. As leader of the pack i have to know everything about my wolves, including wolves who want to turn into a lonesome rogue" She says in a disgustingly sweet voice.

"So what if i was? You'll be glad to see the back of me right?" I remark.

"That is true Hadley. Nothing would be better than for you to not be in our lives anymore. If i could even kill you i would, you're of no use to anybody here. No one wants you here"

No one wants you here

Your of no use to anybody



"Now-" She comes closer to me before continuing. Bitch better get out of my face.

"If you were to leave then I wouldn't be able to rub my amazing life in your face. New mate, new baby, new position. All the things you will never have because your ugly and no one loves you"

My face falls at the last part of her insult. How can this, horrible horrible person be related to me. We shared a womb, so close yet eighteen years later so far apart.

"I wonder what everyone else might say about your little escape plan" she puts a finger to her chin and taps. Her bottom lip protruding out more than the top.

"Don't even think about it" I warn.

"What you gonna do? You can't exactly stop me"

"I mean it Hayley. Don't do it or else" My facial expression begins to change into an angry one. I was beyond livid.

"You'll have to kill me first" she laughs then turns to walk away.

"HEY!" I shout and rush after her.

I pull her shoulder harshly and she spins around my way before reaching the first step on the staircase.

"Don't touch me. I'm pregnant remember, you can't lay a finger on me"

"You want a bet?" I growl.

Hayley's eyes turn dark and for the first time ever I saw a totally different person. My sister was a bitch for sure, a bully. But these eyes were something different. Like a killers eyes. Dark and cold, no sign of life.

My eyes widen and my face looks at her in a disgusted yet confused manner. Who was this person?

"Um, I think you need to be exercised. Demon bitch" I spit at her.

She just evilly grins. "This will teach you. You half breed mongrel"

Hayley then does something I'd least expect. She screams and throws herself down the stairs.


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