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I  r e m e m b e r t h e  date of December 24th 2021. After I'd been beaten within an inch of my life. I was ready to die, to surrender myself to god. Whoever they may be. The moon Goddess? The father, son and holy spirit god, the greek gods or mother nature herself. I wasn't sure who was up there, controlling what happened to me.

I do remember one thing clearly: I wasn't ready to die at that moment. I felt like giving up, I almost had. Because I closed my eyes and just listened to the forest. Stay or go, die or disappear. Pray for a miracle is what I told myself, because of the condition I was in... a miracle would be the only thing to save me.

The mysterious figure up above heard my request and brought a miracle, my life saver.

I was sputtering out blood, my breathing was wheezy, I couldn't get enough oxygen in my blood stream. Terrified. I groaned in pain and despair. I refuse to cry, they would love that. To hear my screams from a far while they all laugh and get pleasure from my pain. Where was my so called mate? I wonder why he wasn't here to join the party, surely he would have liked to take a turn. I hated him, but in this moment if I had to see one more face it would be his, after everything. Fucking everything! I hate the bastard, hate him can't stand him. But he triggers deep buried feelings within me, just once last time is all. His face over mine as he watches the life drain out of me. Punishment for him, happiness for me. After all it's only fair. This was all in my head though, he wasn't coming. And even while I'm taking my last breaths I have time to day dream. Typical. I hear the ground suddenly get crushed by footsteps, heavy thick boots traipsing through the thick, wet mud, grounding leaves and sticks into the earth while doing so. I feared for a split second this was someone coming to finish the job, to give me more pain that would surely take my life away. A black figure in a velvet hooded cloak stopped right above my head. I was struggling to catch a glimpse of this persons face. I begin to cry, full blown sobs come out of me while blood and tears spurt out alongside. I was crying how a baby cries when it needs it's mum, I was crying like when you get told your sick and dying, or being told a loved one has passed. I was crying like the night my mate chose my sister over me. That feeling of your throat closing up on you. The blank figure just grabbed a hold of my shoulders in a tight grip, and began pulling me backwards, deeper into the dark wood. I couldn't even fight. I felt like I was in a bad horror movie, about to be finished off in the most sinister of ways. It's okay to watch those movies at home in bed under a cosy blanket, because that's all it is, a movie. Your not actually going to die, nor are you watching someone die. I wasn't sure about now. I yelped while being dragged through the mush. I was muddy and bloody. The person who's identity was yet to be revealed just continued to pull at me. I realised we were headed toward the town side of the woods, near Blairdon. There was a car parked on the street of the lonely, quiet road. A black SUV type of mobile. I was more confused than ever. The figure dropped me somewhat gently onto the hard sidewalk, while they go to open the back side door of the car. My vision goes between blurry and completely black, then to normal again. My upper body was lifted once again, hands under my arms, trying to get me into the car without hurting me. I knew then and there who it was.

I hear my pilot announce over the speakers that we would be landing in France soon. I was overjoyed, I hated flying. I don't know where the phobia came from exactly, maybe because I didn't ever travel this way before.

I sip my cup of water while Matteo is downing double vodkas left right and centre.

"Matteo, slow down. We will be landing soon and I don't want our host to be annoyed that I've brought a drunk with me to her home" I inform him in almost a stern tone.

He looks at me and takes a last chug at his drink before the glass is empty. He hiccups and almost slurs his words "Do not worry I am not drunk just a little achispado"

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