Chapter 25- Near demise

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Alright everyone, this is the 2nd time in a year that I'm late with my own birthday chapter 😅 To those who are wondering: where is the halloween chapter? I was having complications with it and decided it just wasn't worth it continuing it anymore because halloween was about two months ago and I'd already have to start on the christmas chapter by the time I'd be done, I also just want to freely write things creatively out of my mind rather than looking at my own video and try to describe the actions of my characters like that

This song's chapter is somewhat aggressive since I think I've been adding in too much pop stuff lol

Chapter's song: ~Masquerade~

Pisces' POV

I briefly had managed to finished off the bits of homework that I was assigned to do and atleast to be completed by this Thursday. I didn't really have much to do as I felt bored, so I had decided I might aswell be doing something useful in the meantime which honestly got me to feel very proud of myself! I managed to finish about 12 pages which was way more than I was actually assigned, it was most definitely a positive thing considering I wouldn't have to be worried about having to complete any more homework as I had about 2 weeks worth of work that I had already finished.

This thankfully gave me a lot of time to myself, though unfortunately I didn't really have anybody to spend it with, to worsen it all, I felt kind of.. left out. Capricorn and Scorpio have been having these 'private conversations' about a topic that I wasn't allowed to know about, I know I shouldn't be so nosy about it but I can't help but feel distanced from. It just wasn't fair to me that I supposedly was not allowed to know about these 'top secret conversations', I am bestfriends with both Capricorn and Scorpio yet they still insisted by making up excuses, such as telling me I should be practising on my artwork.

I'm not stupid, there was definitely something sketchy going on and I was most certainly sure about it aswell. It somewhat upset me, I really thought that the three of us were a contrasting trio but after how I've been feeling for a long time, I wasn't so sure anymore. Bestfriends were not supposed to be keeping secrets behind each others backs, who knows what they could be talking about? I really just hoped for one thing right now; that if anything, they wouldn't be talking about me in a cruel manner.

"Pisces, there you are!" Taurus excitedly squealed

"Hello, Taurus." I muttered, unbothered to look up

"What is with your sluggish expression? Cheer up a bit!" Taurus raised a brow

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude" I apologised

"Don't worry about it you weren't rude at all, I was just caught off guard with your expression, that's all" She explained

"I understand! Which gets me to question, how did your hospitality and catering exam go?" I asked as I knew of Taurus' tests for her optional subject that she had chosen by choice

"It went alright, though I think I've really messed up on the tenth question" She sighed

"I'm sure you'll pass, it is your favourite subject afterall and I believe in you! You've worked so hard this week and you've really revised non-stop, it is honestly impossible for you to not atleast get 85% and above" I encouraged

"Well, who wouldn't revise for an exam? They'd be stupid enough not to, this is why I befriend educated people who actually care about their grades" Gemina murmured as she walked right past us

"That is so unneccesary of you to even tell us in the first place, but whatever floats your boat Gemina" Taurus shrugged

"It isn't unneccesary, I mean you're friends with that dummkopf called Cancer, I'd be worried if I were you" Gemina added on

Zodiac HighschoolDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora