~☆The Halloween Special☆~

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Since this is the halloween special, the pov's will once again change alot during this chapter.

Chapter's song:

~This Is Halloween~

Leo's POV

As I put on my cape, I looked at the time incase I wouldn't arrive late. Miss Nebula had strangely invited us all to attend this 'tour' to a unkown place. Personally, I find it very..suspicious?

Why the hell would Miss Nebula invite her least favourite class to some random fucking place in halloween?! Does she want us to get kidnapped by ghosts?

Not that they are real nor do I believe in such tales. To me, they're seemingly fake, just created to scare the souls of little kids.

As I walked over to my jewerelly box, I got out my golden crown, it looked like as if it were glowing as light reflected onto it. I carefully placed it on my head, making sure it wouldn't ruin my high volumnous hair.

You might've guessed by now, yeah, I'm a queen. Not that this even looked like a costume to me since I am royalty to myself each day. I could care less if I get called a narcissist, it's not my fault I look incredibly gorgeous!

I heard a knock on my door as I muffled a "come in"

Much to my surprise, my bestfriend Virgo, came in as excited as ever. Halloween is her favourite holiday afterall

"Hey Leo! You ready to walk to whatever cruel thing miss Nebula has planned for us?" She jokingly said

"Ofcourse! If she ever dare lay a hand on my outfit I won't hesitate to bring this back hand to her face!" I proudly stated


As we made our way down the corridor, the silhouette of Miss Nebula and our class could be spotted. It was infact easy to spot miss Nebula. Tall, broad, cold eyes, a blunt manner which I was all too familliar with, it was impossible for me to not recognise her

"Leo & Virgo, took you both a while to show up" Miss Nebula said as she glared at us, clearly very impatient.

"Sorry, we were a bit busy" Virgo said apoligetically

"She uses that excuse all the time" Capricorn rolled his eyes as Virgo made a face at him, clearly annoyed.

"Right.. so, I've booked a very old mansion, with possibly treasurous exhibits inside of it. The thing is, you can't take any of the items as I'll be heavily fined if you do so. Tho, a certain someone has set tasks for you, unless you finish them, you'll be able to get out. Goodbye" Miss Nebula sprinted, leaving the 14 of us dumbfounded

Taurus walked up to the door, reading a note miss had left before abandoning us.

"Group 1: Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces and me.." She stared at the piece of paper that she held firmly in her hand.

"Wait, I'm in a group with him?!" Virgo scowled, pointint in disgust at Capricorn who also seemed to disagree with this layout.

"I wouldn't want to be in a group with this bitch either, all she does is moan and complain, pick an argument with me become so self confident, it's sickening!" He huffed

"You guys do realize you've FINALLY agreed on something? Don't wanna be in eachother's groups?" Sagittarius pointed out as Gemina gasped

"Genius!" Aries fist-bumped Sagi

"Don't try to play smart over here, I'd never agree with a bastard!" Virgo exclaimed

"You two, just shut up I'm trying to watch my tellanovella over here" Libra said with his phone to his face

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