Chapter 28- Ambivalence

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As per usual, it's been a while-

Chapter's Song: Wires by The Neighbourhood

Libra's POV

"What do you exactly mean by that?" I raised a brow

"Oh, you know.. the people in your current class, right? There's this one person in specific- I don't know how to particularly word it, let's just say I'm genuinely concerned about your wellbeing" Lorelei batted her eyed as I remained to be absolutely confused at what she even meant to begin with

"You know you don't need to beat around the bush with me~ Who's the person in question?" I smoothly said in an attempt to get some sort of answer out of her, I didn't even desire to be in this situation to begin with but I knew she wouldn't budge unless I somewhat remained on 'good terms' with her, which in Lorelei's dictionary, meant flirting. Unfortunately it happened to be my last resort to achieving a peaceful exit aswell as a civilised encounter even though I did feel quite uncomfortable being around her or any of the girls that chased after me in general as I didn't want the 'friendliness' to escalate any further, though that never seemed to be the case as I'd always be the one to end up in a relationship I never intended to get in to begin with.

"I'd say their name rhymes with cherries" Lorelei smirked

"Aries?" I said with uncertainty, slightly hoping I was incorrect

"Bingo. It is infact about that person~" Her voice lingered in a melodious tone

"She's a pretty great classmate of mine, I don't have much of a problem with her. What exactly concerns you about her?" I diplomatically replied

"Great classmate of yours, you say? I don't think you'd exactly view her the same once I tell you what she has been up to quite some time ago, I wouldn't exactly call her as 'great' as you prescribed her to be" Lorelei responded, swiftly grabbing my left hand as the mild feeling of anxiety grew fonder within my thoughts.

I didn't like the fact that she was sort of stalling the conversation either instead of getting straight the point as she was quite frankly taking up a bit of my time, which I never really had much to begin with. I've always been quite occupied with the various amounts of activities that were thrown at me in my life and were compulsory for me to do, so to even have just a minute to myself usually felt like a blessing given to me by the heavens for once in the seventeen years that I have lived this for. Although that's just one side as to why I felt like this encounter isn't necessary, part of me would be lying if I were to ever say curiosity wasn't killing me right now because it definitely is- especially as this matter happened to regard my favourite little redhead. I sincerely care for her even though she may not have built up the greatest reputation for herself within the school, which often leads up to people forming a negative opinion on her before having the chance to have even gotten to know her properly. I mostly took notice of this within the first three months of getting to know her back last year before we were even together with our current class, and to say the least, I most definitely wasn't a fan of the misjudgement people had casted over her as we each all have our own individual different flaws. Nevertheless the 'rumors' that were circulating around the school, I admired her resilient & headstrong nature as she dealt with the criticism she received better than most teenagers in her position would have, despite not having lived the greatest childhood. I genuinely hoped she recognised this about herself and would come to appreciate it just as much as I do, and will continue doing so

"I suppose I might aswell tell you of how she had violently attacked me without any reason whatsoever, I was simply out and about hanging around the staircase waiting for Satelle to show up when I suddenly got ambushed by that psychopath! She even threatened me with that knife of hers, don't you know how absurd that is? I was practically harrassed!" Lorelei over-exaggerated in a panicked facial expression

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