Chapter 2

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Bellas pov

Yesterday I made my first friend and I'm still confused how this happened.
He just wanted to accompany me to math.
And now we even exchanged numbers.

I look down at my phone while laying on my small bed with my big stars pyjamas.

I turn around on my back and quiek like a little girl when I think about Luke, asking me in front of the schools gate for my number.
He said that it's necessary to have your friends phone number and thats even more necessary for me because it's my first week in school and I don't know anyone so I can't ask someone important questions if I have any.

But then my excitement goes away when I think about all the looks I got from my classmates.
I stand up and walk to my mirror.
I take my glasses off and open my hair.
But when I couldn't see anything and I put my glasses on again. And when my hairs come into my face I tie them back into a ponytail.
I sigh.

Lukes pov

,,COME HERE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" I yell at the man crying on the ground.
I grab his sleeve and drag him to the wall again.
4 punches

He's still alive this rat.

,,P-P-Please" he stutters in a half whisper.
How can he even speak?
,,HOW DARE YOU TO LAY A HAND ON ONE OF MY MEN. You know..I'm very overprotective when it comes to things that are mine YOU FUCKER" I press his head against the wall till I only hear a gurgle.

I throw him to the dirty wet asphalt and kick him a last time with my shoe.
,,Take care of that body"
,,Yessir!" One of my guards says and runs towards the body.

I take a tissue out of my pocket and wipe the blood on my hand clean while walking to my black car at the end of the street.

I close my eyes and breath the cold nights air in and enjoy my inner peace.

I need these kinda tasks to calm myself down.
It's already like a routine.
Bad day=punching people=feeling good

And there are enough people that are getting on my balls on whom I can calm myself down.

Today was a hard day. We lost 5 of our men. Someone under us must have been leaking information about our residence.

I sigh and throw myself in the car.
,,Where are we going, sir?"
,,Home please" I answer my driver Mr.Fitz, when suddenly my phone blinks on.


I instantly grab my phone and open the chat.

- Hey
- Just wanted to thank you for today

I started laughing.
,,Everything's okay sir?" Mr.Fitz asks helpless.

,,What?! Of course! Just focus on the street" I wave him away.

Then I start tipping on my phone.

~If you want to thank me let's meet in front of the gate tomorrow

- okay

I smile and close my phone.
Then I stop smiling.
I still don't know why I became her friend and how these "nice" words came out of me in school. That was real strange. I felt like a stranger. And for what?
I think she looks nice, yes. But it's not like I can't get more beautiful girls than her.

Still I don't want to think much about that. I take if I want to.
This time I probably feel like playing with the new outsider.
The girls on my school are all getting boring.
And...her reactions...I think she's inexperienced.
I will play with her and make her like me.
I smirk.
That will be fun.
I'll just get into the "nice guy" role. I think she'll like that. I mean I already mastered that today.

But..something feels off.
...I'm sure I know Bella.
But I couldn't figure out from where yet.

,,Find out everything about Bella Jardine"
,,B-But sir! I'm the driver"


,,That doesn't mean you can't do other stuff" I lean forward and say with my cold whisper.

,,Yessir!" he tenses ,,I'm sorry sir"


When Mr. Fitz parked the car in front of the mansion I get out and instantly wanted to walk into my room, when I hear Stefanie shouting.
,,Yep" I answer exhausted.
Her steps are getting louder and I hear her coming into my direction.
When she stops in front of me, with her black jeans, boots and coat, she reaches me a piece of paper.
,,Take it"
,,Whats that?" I ask her disinterested.
,,A marriage contract. Just throw it away." she says also desinterested. ,,But Álvaro wanted you to just look at it and then decide on your own. Otherwise I'd have already thrown it away."

,,No need to look at it"

Stefanie crunches the piece of paper and puts it in her coats pocket.

In the last few days I got quite many contracts. Since I'm 18 now, there are many candidates who want to be my wife's and join our mafia to be a part of the power.
And I'm getting sick of that.
Who marries with 18?
Not me..

,,How was your day?"
I start walking to my room and Stefanie follows me.

,,It was okay. Killed 5 enemies"

,,You sure that were enemies right? Look, Luke... Álvaro and I, we talked about something. We're getting suspicious about some of your actions. In the last few days you killed over 30 men. How comes that? We taught you to kill only if it's necessary! And you come home telling me you killed over 5 people?"

,,Ma, it's not my fault. The want to be killed"

I reach my door and turn around before I open it, to look into Stefanies worried face.

I don't see her often this worried. Normally she has a stone cold face expression like me.
Some would think she's actually my real mother. I mean for me she is my mother role. And Álvaro plays my father role, even though I don't call them like that. But we all now our relationships. So no one has to speak it out loud.
And even if I'm the "adopted kid" they never let me feel unloved or unwanted.
Since the day they brought me here they asked me if I want to train and become like them.
For a 10 year old boy I was confused first and didn't now what they meant. But when I was 14 I had 4 years time to absorb their work and fell in love with it.
And now I'm standing here..the right hand of the mafia boss, Álvaro ...and one day I'll respectfully take his position.

,,Stefa it's okay, just don't worry"

She takes me in her arms and kisses me on my cheek.
,,Okay then I'll trust you. I know you'll be a good leader one day. Exactly like Álvaro"
with these words she walk away and leaves me in front of my door.

A good leader. Yeah

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