Chapter 11

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Luke's Pov:

It's been a week since I saw Bella. When I return to the Restaurant after she walked away from me I felt empty. When she heard the truth about me I felt scared. Scared of her reaction. Even though I already considered all possibilities. After my guess was proved correct I hoped that she will come to terms with it. Maybe after breathing in fresh air I thought she would accept it. Accept me. Every part of me. I couldn't give her the space she needed. I begged her to not go, but she didn't even look at me. She walked away.

When I came back Luna and Liam were there and she immediately came up to me and just hugged me. She was always the most emotional and understanding of the family.

"I'm sorry they broke it to her like this. It wasn't their place to meddle in. It was your choice when to tell her and how. I'm so sorry, Luke."

I never really cried in front of my family. Not in front of anyone, really.
Something broke in me this moment and I don't know if this feeling of abandonment will vanish after she comes back to me. I cried in Luna's arms and later felt another pair of arms around me. I didn't care who it was or how weak I looked like.

After quite some time I pulled away and realizes it was Stefanie, my mom, holding me. She didn't say anything. She just smiled faintly at me, took my hand and leaded me out to the car. Álvero jumped into the driver seat and drove us home. No one said a word. They were giving me space and comforted me silently. I felt hurt.
I know that Bella is a good girl and she likes violence only in books but I thought that maybe, just maybe she would accept me. I know she loves me and I just though her heart would win over her brain? Something is definitely wrong with me. I never was and though I never will be such a crybaby. For the last week I couldn't even work. I only went to school in hopes I could talk to Bella or at least see her. She didn't go to school all week.

I want to give her space and time for herself. To organize her thoughts and come to terms with the mafia and killing thing. Though I almost drove to her house a few times, but I know I should wait a bit. At least for another week. I still send her texts a few times a week. Not with pleas for her to come to me or talk to me. I read her favorite books and text her the quotes I like best from them.
An example would be a quote from pride and prejudice by Jane Austen. From Mr.Darcy to Elizabeth.  From me to her.

To: Bella

You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.

From: Luke

Another time I quoted Emily Brontë, from her book Wuthering Heights.

To: Bella

Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad! only do not leave me in the abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, god! it is unutterable! I can not live without my life! I can not live without my soul!

From: Luke

I turned into a complete simp. I never thought I would cry after a girl and think she is the only one i want to be with. For now and forever. She is mine. Even if she can't come to terms with my work directly she eventually will come along with it.
One more week. I will give her one more week of space. Then I will get her back.


One week later:

I walked into the school office and slam my hand on the counter. The secretary flinches and asks if she can help me somehow. She knows not to mess with me.

"Bella. I want to know the reason she doesn't come to school."

"Well young man it's not like there is only one girl named Bella at this school can you give me a last name?"

Fuck. What's her last name? 

I yelled at her. She looks like she will cry any minute from now but I want to know what excuse Bella told the school.

"Yes, t-t-that girl, Bella Jardine, m-m-moved away from h-here. She w-won't come back t-to this school."

Hopefully my ears are playing a prank to me. Bella moved away?

I know it's unreasonable to yell at a poor secretary BUT WHAT THE FUCK.

"I-I-I d-don't k-know. I-I'm s-sorry." Tears are streaming down her face and my yelling seems to have gathered quite the crowd. She won't be able to give me more anyways so I storm out of the office and into my car. I drive up to her home and ring the bell. Nothing. So I do what everyone would do and kick open the door.

I walk into every room and everything is still here. The unwashed dishes in the kitchen are already starting to get moldy. Did they just run away without packing? Leaving everything behind?

I understand she's angry and needs space, but getting her parents to move? They just said alright let's get out of here? What kind of parents are they?

"FUCK" I kind of punch a whole into the wall, but this doesn't calm me down. It only fuels my anger. I get out my phone while I walk back to my car and cal Xavier. He's the best at hacking and tech stuff.

"Hey Xavier, can you help me with something?"

He tells me I should come over and I start the engine of my car. While driving to him I only think about getting her back. Even if that means I need to lock her in the house. She's mine. Even the thought of her being far away from makes me crazy and angry. I will get her back. Even if this is the last thing I do.

To: Bella

So we're playing hide and seek now.

From: Luke

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