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FP3 had gone in Max's favour with him going fast than Lewis by 0.2 of second giving the team good hope for qualifying and a chance of pole position for tomorrow's race.

Qualifying was going as normal with the exception of losing the two Aston Martins in Q1. Daniel and Carlos had lost out in Q2 leaving their teammates in Q3 with they usual participants along with Antonio.

With just 5 minutes left in the qualifying session, Max was on provisional pole with Valtteri in P2, Lewis in P3 and Checo in P4.

Lewis put in his final flying lap and went 0.1 faster than Max and wouldn't make it for another flying lap meaning it was all up to Max who was rounding the first turn on his flying lap.

He came agonisingly close to the wall at Turn 3 and no one could understand how he hasn't hit it. He was on an absolute flyer as he set a purple first sector.

Anna watched with her nail in her mouth as he grew more nervous as Valtteri crossed the line and put himself P2 meaning as of right now it was a Mercedes front row lock out unless Max could change.

His second sensor was also purple and he was 2 and half tenths up on. He came around the final corner and caught the wall on the exiting putting an end to his lap and chances of pole.

Groans of agony and disappointment sounded from the Red Bull garage as their driver got out of the car.

Anna could see out of the corner of her eye Jos slam his fist against the bench in anger. She was glad he had walked away from her at one stage because she surely would've jumped at that.

Anna ran her hands down her face in frustration and disappointment for her best friend. He was on course for the lap of the year just now and it all came to an end up at the final corner.

Anna wondered if Max had simply pushed too hard. He was well up in the other two sectors that he properly could've afford to ease of the throttle slightly but she wasn't going to be the person to tell him that.

The question now on the garage was, what damage did he sustain in that crash? Would he need a new gear box or was it just wish bone damage?

Fingers were crossed as the team left the garage and headed towards the interview area were Max would be when he walked back to the pit lane.

Anna too headed that way to see her best friend and hoped that today's events wouldn't affect how confidents too much. Regardless of what happened even if Lewis won, Lewis couldn't take the title this weekend only Max could due to the latter's 8 point lead.

Anna walked a few feet behind Jos who was talking to Jonathon Wheatley Red Bull's Sporting Director about the qualifying and what it could mean for Max's race tomorrow.

Anna zoned out on the conversation knowing that starting from P3 was still a good start for Max and he would do the his best to make the most of it and the opportunity in front of him.

She arrived at the barrier closest to the FIA building in the pit lane and away from the teams so she was standing on her own apart from a few stewards and officials wandering around her.

Max pulled up and got out of his car. He walked towards the P3 table and removed his helmet and balaclava. He used the towel to wipe the sweat from his face and next before taking a swig of water.

He looked up and saw his team standing in front of him. He could see his father talking with Jonathon at the back of the group as his eyes continued to look for Anna.

His heart sank slightly as he couldn't find her among the sea of Red Bull crew. He took his helmet, which had his balaclava inside of it and walked towards his team.

His performance coach, Bradley, congratulated him on P3 as he took the helmet from him so he could complete his mandatory post qualifying interview in a couple of minutes.

As he was talking to Christian and his two engineers his eyes looked around once again for his best friend.

"Where's Anna?" Max asked, eventually getting fed up of looking for her and curiosity was getting the better of him.

"I don't actually know." Tom replied as he looked around in search of the brown haired girl.

"You looking for Anna?" Vicky, Max's press officer, questioned as she arrived in order to accompany Max go the interview pen when he was don in the pit lane.

"Yeh." Max nodded his head in reply as he ran a hand through his hair and pushed it back.

"She's over there." Vicky pointed towards the FIA building where Anna was leaning against the wall looking down at her feet.

"Thanks." Max spoke before walking towards his best friend a few feet away. "Hello."

Anna looked up from the ground at the sound of her best friend's voice and a smile formed on her face at the sight of him.

"Hello you." Anna spoke as she walked towards the barrier and reached over to hug him. "Well done."

"Hey. Thanks." Max replied as he buried his head into her shoulder taking in the familiar smell which seemed to relax him after the stressful last few minutes her had. "How come you're standing over here?"

"Just started feeling a little claustrophobic." Anna said casually as she shrugged her shoulders.

"You wanna get out of here?" Max asked as he gestured away from the pit lane and towards the paddock.

"No. No. I'm fine. Yeh go do your interviews and I'll meet you back at the motorhome." Anna shook her head in reply with a smile on her face.

Anna had slight claustrophobia. It was extreme and was only triggered in certain situations. It didn't always bother her but Max was usually good at seeing the signs and getting her out before it got worse.

"Are you sure? Christian and everyone will understand." Max assured her as he placed a comforting hand on her arm.

"I'm fine. Go." Anna told him. Max sighed as he knew he wouldn't win the argument.

"Okay. Go straight to the motorhome and I'll be there shortly." He told her before walking off for his post qualifying interviews wanting to get them over with due to both his failed attempt at pole and to make sure Anna was okay.


What A Time // Max VerstappenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora