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Anna sat in the grand stand of the Autodromo do Estroil as she watched Max fly by along the main straight.

A few days after coming back from Austria, Max announced that the was going to Portugal to test the Porsche GT2 RS Clubsport and asked Anna if she'd come with him due the fact his father would also be there.

As she sat there alone in the middle of the huge grand stand her mind began to wonder back to the Netherlands and the pair sleeping together.

It was a conversation that never actually been had and Anna was now beginning to wonder why. Most best friends that end up sleeping together either a) end up never speaking to each other again or b) getting together.

Neither of this things had happened with Anna and Max which made her wonder how they could randomly sleep together causing Max and Kelly to break up then go on as normal.

None of it made sense to the Dutch girl and she knew if she didn't talk to Max about it soon she would end up pulling her hair out about the whole situation.

"Anna. Come on down." The voice of Jos Verstappen shouted from the pit lane as he leaned across the pit wall.

Anna waved back in reply to let him know she had heard him and was coming down now. She stood up and sighed before beginning her walk to the pit lane wondering how she would randomly bring up the topic of conversation with Max without making things awkward.


Anna was sitting on the edge of her and Max'a shared hotel bed with her legs crossed waiting on Max to come out of the shower.

"Anna? Anna?" Max spoke as the walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist,

"Yeh? What?" Anna wondered looking up at her best friend.

"I was calling you from the bathroom. You were a million miles away." Max explained as he turned around and grabbed his clothes from his suitcase.

"Oh right." Anna nodded in reply before Max walked back to the bathroom. "Hey Max?"

"Yeh?" The Red Bull driver called back from the bathroom where he was getting dressed.

"Can we talk?" Anna asked before her confidence went away.

"Sure? What's up?" Max wondered as he arrived back into the bedroom and took a seat next to her.

"Why did we sleep?" Anna questioned before she was too scared to.

"What?" Max said in surprise. That was the last thing he expected when Anna asked to speak with him.

"Max we slept together and never spoke about it again. You lost you're relationship because of it and we are walking around like nothing ever happened." Anna explained as she turned her body slightly to face Max.

"I like you Anna." Max admitted but Anna wasn't picking up on what he was referring to.

"I like you too Max. Kind of comes with being best friends since we were 4." Anna nodded along in reply causing Max to laugh. "What?"

"No Anna. I like you. Like properly like you. That's why I slept with you. And that was nothing to do with why Kelly and I broke up. Okay maybe it was partially the reason but Kelly and I had problems long before that." Max explained to his best friend.

"You like me?" Anna wondered in surprise and Max shook his head in reply.

"I love you." He told her.

Anna's mind was in complete and utter shock. So much that even as Max leaned towards her she still didn't understand what was going on until his lips connected on her and they started to kiss.

"You and me?" The brown haired girl asked as she pulled away for a breath.

"Only if you want." Max assured her with a smile.

"Always." Anna nodded in reply before leaning forward and connecting their lips once again.

The pair fell back onto their shared hotel room bed and completely lost themselves in each other and what was going on.


After returning from Portugal things were different for Anna and Max. Well some things. Others stayed the same.

Them leaving together didn't change neither did how they actually act with one and other minus the sudden PDA between the pair.

Nothing was official but they acted like a couple in the comfort of Anna's apartment but no one else knew besides the two of them.

Today Anna was out for a run while Max training with Brad in her apartment. She didn't want to get in the way so she decided it was best to leave.

She was running down by the casino when she heard a familiar laugh causing her to turn around. She saw Daniil and Penelope walking around with the little girl up on her father's shoulders laughing.

"Anna." Penelope called out as he spotted the brown haired girl a few feet away. Anna smiled back in reply and waved at the little girl while she walked over to the pair.

"Hey P." Anna replied as she came a stop in front of the pair.

"Hey. How are you?" Daniil wondered as he took Penelope down from his shoulders.

"Good, you?" Anna asked with a smile.

"Good thanks." Daniil told her while looking around, almost fidgeting.

"Are you okay? What are you looking for?" Anna wondered as she turned around to see what he may be looking for.

"Oh nothing. It's just Kelly is supposed to meet me here to pick up Penelope." Daniil explained causing Anna to make an o shape with her lips.

"Right. I better get going then. She's the last person I wanna run into." Anna replied and Daniil nodded in reply understanding why.

"Understandable." Daniil agreed causing Anna to laugh.

"Bye P." Anna said as she leant down to wave goodbye to the little girl.

"You." A familiar voice spoke from behind her causing a shiver to run down Anna's spine.

"Uh oh." Anna breathed out as she stood up and looked at Daniil before turning down. "Kelly I-."

"Don't bother. I don't wanna hear whatever pathetic excuse you have for making Max cheat on me. Especially with you. But you are a self centred, ugly, fat, obnoxious bitch." Kelly explained before doing the last thing anyone expected.

She slapped Anna directly across the face not just in front of her ex boyfriend and daughter but the entire occupancy of the Casino square.


Hands up who's surprised by what Kelly done✋🏻

I have nothing against Kelly and I also have no idea what she's like in real like, this is just for the book.

Let me know what you guys think x


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