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The night had well and truly started. The friend group were now in a local night club and it was only a few minutes until mid night.

They were all sat around a table in a booth talking and drinking when Finn arrived back with a tray of shots. Everyone grabbed a shot and said cheers before downing the alcohol.

"What was that?" Anna wondered as a shiver ran across her back from the taste of alcohol.

"No idea." Finn replied before they all placed the glasses down on the table.

"What time is it?" Axel asked causing Anna to lift her phone from the table.

"4 minutes until mid night." Anna read off her phone before placing it into her bag for fear of losing it at some stage.

After a few minutes the countdown officially started. Everyone counted together until they reached one before yelling.

"Happy New Year." A chorus rang through the night club as confetti fell from the ceiling.

Max gave Anna a hug which she returned. He placed a quick kiss on her cheek before they both stood up and hugged there friends.

Anna ignored the tingle she felt on her cheek as she leant over and gave Zoe a hug.

"I saw that." Zoe whispered in the brown haired girl's ear.

"Shut up." Anna replied before pulling away and hugging someone else.

The celebrations of the new year died down as everyone in the club returned to what they were doing before the countdown began.

Anna was staring out at the dance floor a few feet away that was packed with people when she suddenly realised she hadn't danced once since they arrived here.

"Who wants to dance?" Anna wondered as she looked around at her friends. Zoe and Finn had left to get drinks so that was out as an option for dancing partners. "You guys are no fun. Max?"

Anna turned to look at her best friend knowing that it would be hard for him to resist her plea especially when she threw her puppy dog eyes at him.

"Fine." The World Champion said slapping his hand against his legs before her stood up.

"Yah." Anna smiled in satisfaction as the pair left their friends and made their way towards the dance floor.

The lights were dark and it was hard to make our faces on the dance floor. The pair danced to the beat of the sound as random flashes of light would beam through illuminating each other.

Anna was shaking her head to the music as she ran her hands through her hair in beat with the music. She looked up and saw Max smiling down at her.

Suddenly when their eyes met Anna could feel the wave of alcohol wash over her. She felt like she couldn't control her actions and Max felt the same.

His arms were wrapped around her waist as she reached up and wrapped hers around his neck bringing them closer together.

"Max?" Anna whispered but he could still hear her even over the loud music.

"Yeh?" Max asked as they got so close that their was barely a hair between their lips.

"What's happening?" The brown haired girl wondered as she stared into the deep eyes of her best friend.


Anna awoke the following morning with a throbbing pain in her head. She mentally scowled herself for closing the curtains last night as the sun shone though adding to her headache.

She went to sit up in the bed before she realised she wasn't wearing any clothes. She racked her mind but came up blank not being able to remember much of last night.

The Dutch girl rolled over in the bed and silently gasped at the sight of Max laying beside her. Suddenly everything came rushing back and she felt extremely guilty for letting him cheat on Kelly and even worse it was with her.

Anna silently slipped out of bed and grabbed Max's t-shirt off the ground and slipped it over her head. It fell to her mid thigh before she slipped out of the room.

She laid her back against the wall next to the door after she closed it and let out a the breath she was holding.

What had she done?

Unsure if anyone else was awake, Anna headed downstairs and found Finn and Zoe having breakfast around the kitchen island.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is?" Zoe spoke as she was the first to notice Anna's arrival in the room.

"Don't even start." Anna said as she walked towards the cabinet and grabbed a cup before pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Nice top." Finn commented causing Anna to roll her eyes in reply.

"I will end you both." Anna informed the couple as she pointed between them both.

"Well aren't you a hypocrite." Zoe spoke as she leant forward and smiled at the brown haired girl.

"I'm serious Zoe. Don't." Anna replied before slipping on next to the blonde haired girl. "What have I done?"

"You slept with Max." Zoe said simply.

"No shit Sherlock. I mean figuratively. What have I done? I let Max cheat on Kelly and even worse it was with me." Anna explained as she ran her hands down her face.

"It's not that bad." Finn assured her.

"Not that bad? That girl hates my guts already. She'll kill me if she ever found out." The brown haired girl replied before sipping her coffee.

"Maybe it's a good thing." Zoe told her causing Anna to pull a confused face.

"How is this a good thing?" Anna wondered in confusion.

"Come on Anna. You're his best friend. It doesn't take a detective to know that's Max hasn't exactly been the happiest in his relationship lately." Finn explained.

"Yeh. Maybe this wasn't cheating on Kelly. Maybe it was his way of telling you that they've broken up and now he wants to be with you." The blonde haired girl spoke up.

"I would never be that lucky. Kelly is going to absolutely murder me. Goodbye. This maybe the last time you see me." Anna said before laying her head on her arms on the countertop.

"Oh Anna." Zoe spoke as she tapped her hand on the back of Anna's head.


What A Time // Max VerstappenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz