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Just over a month had passed and Anna was back in her new home in the principality that was Monaco for the ever iconic Monaco Grand Prix.

Both Miami and Barcelona had gone well for Max, with the Dutchman winning both races and now ready for a win in Monte Carlo.

Back in Miami, Anna had been feeling unwell but she brushed it off to the stress of job hunting and jet lag but when it crept up again in Barcelona she decided it was best to see a doctor.

So after Max had left home to head to the track for pre-practice media duties with the team, Anna had headed to see her own doctor.

She has just finished up her check up and left with a referral for Princess Grace hospital for further scans as her own doctor couldn't pin point exactly what it was.

So while Anna knew Max would be occupied with his job she decided it made more sense to go now and get it out of the way and sorted.

Anna wasn't an overly anxious person but hospitals made her nervous and the fact her doctor couldn't diagnose what was wrong with her made her slightly worried.

She had lost a bit of weight recently without really trying although she did often find herself exercising while forgetting to eat so she put it down to that.

The Dutch girl also found she was very tired lately but like she said she put it down to travel and stress from moving to different time zones.

Pulling her from her thoughts about what could be wrong was the sound of her phone ringing with Max's name and a picture of the two in Abu Dhabi last year flashed across the screen.

It was shortly after 1:30pm and with the first practice session due to start at 2pm she could imagine Max had noticed her absence throughout the day and was starting to get worried.

At the same time her doctor walked in and Anna asked for a brief moment to take the call.

"Hey Max." Anna spoke as she pressed her phone to her ear.

"Hey, where are you? I was getting worried when you didn't come." Max replied with concern in his voice.

"Sorry I meant to text you, I ran into Juliet on the way to the paddock and we decided to go for lunch." Anna said blatantly lying through her teeth to her boyfriend.

"Oh you should've brought her, I would've gotten you a pass." He told her.

"I know I just never thought and we were both starving. We're finishing up now soon so I'll be there for the next session, okay?" Anna replied as she watched the doctor flick through her file.

"Okay, I'll see you soon then. And like I said if your friends wants to come just get Jess to get her a pass. I better go, I love you." Max told and she could picture him smiling at the back of the garage.

"Thanks. I love you too, good luck." Anna said before hanging up the phone and sighing.

"Boyfriend?" Her doctor wondered.

"Yeh." Anna nodded in reply with a smile on her face.

"He didn't want to come?" The doctor asked and Anna shook her head in reply.

"If he knew I was here he'd definitely be here. But he's working right now." Anna kept her explanation simple leaving out the fact her boyfriend was Formula One world champion Max Verstappen.

"Well we'll get onto the reason your here then." The doctor spoke as she pulled over a chair and sat opposite Anna. "Anna there is no easy way to say this but you have leukaemia."

"What?" Anna said in shock. That was the last thing she was expecting.

"I'm so sorry Anna. Is there anyone you want to call to be here with you?" Her doctor asked and Anna shook her head.

"It's fine. So what now?" The Dutch girl wondered.

"Well we caught it early so we're confident you can fight it." The doctor explained. She went on talking about different treatments and outcomes but Anna had completely zoned out.

She was supposed to have a job interview next week and now what? She was supposed to go to Canada with Max in 2 weeks too could she still do things like that?

"Here's my number. If you need anything just give me a call. You'll get your chemo appointment by email. It'll be next week. We'll call to confirm you received the email." The doctor explained.

"Thank you." Anna took the card and placed it in her bag before standing up and leaving.

She made her way to her car in the hospital car park and got inside.

"Ahhhhhhh." She screamed and she gripped the steering wheel so right her knuckles turned white as she hit her head off the wheel.

How was she doing to tell Max? Or her family or friends? When was she going to tell them? Her family lived in The Netherlands was she supposed to just call them up and drop the news.

Or what about Max? She couldn't tell him now, at least not until after the race on Sunday he needed to focus on driving.

After composing herself, Anna left the hospital and headed back to her apartment from there she was going to walk over to the paddock just in time for second practice.

On the walk through Monaco, Anna began thinking of all the things she had done in her life so far and all of the things she still wanted to do.

She was grateful for the travelling Max's career allowed her to do. She was, of course, grateful for Max. Her family and friends too.

She was grateful for the amazing life she had built for herself and everyone in it and now she couldn't help but wonder just how much more of that life she was going to get to live.

Would she ever get married? Or have kids? Would she and Max settle down for good in Monaco or move back home?

There was a million things running through Anna's head but as she swiped her paddock pass over the gate she left her thoughts behind her and focused on Max and the weekend ahead.


Was anyone expecting that? I wanted to spice things up and make it interesting but I didn't want her to get pregnant just yet.

Let me know what you guys think x

What A Time // Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now