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The journey to the royal palace is a long three days journey. The two horse carriages with some guards on horseback were on their way to the royal palace to attend the people's gathering. The four passengers inside the carriage were going through four different feelings. One was hopeful, one was indifferent, one was shy. And Liu Changsheng? He was dreading the turn of events.

Liu Changsheng knew whatever is going to happen in the people's gathering, isn't going to be in his favour. He was doing all he can to avoid getting tangled in the palace affairs. But what happens now, he didn't know. He knew he would do his best to not catch attention.

But he didn't know he has already caught attention long ago.

From people he didn't expect. From people that loved him or hated him. From people who wanted to use him. Life was mystery for Liu Changsheng. Or maybe he was just a sacrifice of fate.

The first night of their journey went very bland and uneventful. The two carriages stopped at a town. They booked an inn and stayed there for the night. The two ladies of the Liu's managed all the people very well. They bought enough food for them and the guards. After dinner they all retired to their respective rooms and Liu Changsheng went up on the rooftop to think about things.

But the next night wasn't what anyone was expecting. That night they had to put up tent on the outskirts of the woods right outside the imperial city.

The night was silent only with occasional chirps of cicadas. That night Liu Changsheng's second older brother Liu Shenhuan decided to stay up with the guards on night patrol. The two ladies went to their tent early. And Liu Changsheng had to stay alone in his shared tent with his brother.

He was lost in thoughts which is why he didn't realise someone has entered the tent. When he did he had nothing else to do but succumb to the poison powder that was spread throughout the tent by the black clad figure. He could only see two eyes of the culprit. If he got enough time he could have used the secret dagger he always carries inside his wristband. But he just couldn't defend himself. Slowly he fell into a deep slumber, darkness consuming him.

When you are unconscious you aren't distressed. But that's not the case for Liu Changsheng. He was unconscious. But the dreams he was having sent him back to the life he left behind. The dreams gave him enough pain to remember his own death. It gave him dreams of longing a love he never got. It gave him back all the losses he felt, twice.

On the other hand when Liu Shenhuan came back to the tent he found no trace of his younger brother. Everyone in the Liu camp became distressed. Old lady Liu was so devastated that she lost consciousness in the embrace of her younger daughter.

The guards were scattered all throughout the forest to find their third young master who was nowhere to be found.

Who at the moment was lying inside a hut unconscious on a thatched bed. There was no trace of him regaining consciousness, while his face shows a series of distressed expression. As if he was going through a lifetime of pain.

A black clad figure was sitting on his bedside murmuring something inaudible. Their whispers not reaching anyone in particular. They were disturbed in the middle when another black clad figure entered the hut. The person who entered has an aura of a prince and was proven to be one when the female voice addressed him as one.

"My prince. What do you plan to do with him?"

"A-jie. When will he regain consciousness?" The voice of the black clad prince gave out a sort of concern.

"He was given a strong anaesthetic powder. I'm afraid he won't be waking up very soon." The black clad female figure looked closer to Liu Changsheng. His face giving off a divine glow that he always has on him.

"Liu Changsheng ah. This time too the prince chooses you." She wasn't sure if the prince who's also her younger brother heard her or not. But she was supposed to leave the prince alone with Liu Changsheng and she does just that.

The next morning when a still distressed Liu Shenhuan entered his tent again he finds a disheveled Liu Changsheng looking at a handkerchief with a rose petal sewn on it.

"A-Sheng! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He tries to find any visible wounds on his younger brother's body. "A-Sheng, say something."

"Er ge. I was wrong all along. Did I hurt the one who really loved me?"

A set of fresh tears forming at the bottom of young Changsheng's eyelashes. To say he was distressed would be an understatement. He was questioning his life decisions. He was questioning ever doubting his love. But he knew nothing ever looks as it is. So he was confused too.

The whole convoy started their journey again. Trying to forget anything ever happened in the jungle. But the imperial city was going to bring changes to their lives. Everyone's life. Some would find love. Some would start hating love.

Liu Changsheng knew that. And he dreaded meeting the fourth prince allover again.

In the imperial city the Liu family memebers were given a courtyard in the guest chembers.

And that's where the unexpected happened. Liu Changsheng got a handkerchief under his pillow with a note with it. Saying him to meet the fourth prince on the last day of the people's gathering at the bamboo forest at the side of the Xuanhua cliff.

Liu Changsheng was dreading to go there
Because that is where his journey ended in his last life. But he had questions. And he needed answers. And only the fourth prince knew the answers.

But before that he had five days of festivities to attend which he was determined to avoid.

Hello guys! Here's a new chapter for you guys.... I know I've been avoiding updating this story even though I have an idea how this story is going to end... But I was scared to end it just yet...

Now then, something is revealed in this chapter... What do you think that is?? Let me know in the comments section...

Also a very Happy New Year to everyone! Hope new year brings you a lot of happiness and good health!!

All the love
C 💕

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