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The whole imperial court became a market of rumours again. No one in the court were a stranger towards the rumours. And they all knew the type of person their emperor is.

"There is a rumour circling around in Dachen that it was the emperor himself who ordered to kill concubine Li."

And that is exactly when another thin looking woman was brought in to the court. Her face showed her beauty. She was as graceful as the swan in the emperor's lake. As for the woman's identity, it surprised everyone except Liu Changsheng.

It was Concubine Li.

"Li Furen?"

The emperor's voice whispered. He never thought he would see this woman again.

"It was Ma Ding who pierced my body that day. But taking Liu Changsheng's advice I always kept my body clad in leather. So I wasn't hurt badly. Someone from the Yinghu Sect protected me and sent me away from the imperial city. I was in my brother's care before I could remember everything as a backlash from the wound.

"What would be important to prove Liu Changsheng's innocence is Ma Dings words before he entered my quarters. He was talking to someone about Liu Changsheng's sword Xuehui. And he called that person Your highness. Not Wangfei.

"The Yinghu guard can vouch for my words."

"Thus proving Liu Changsheng's innocence." Duan Jiali concluded after concubine Li has finished speaking. "I request your highness to restore Liu Changsheng's honour as a Wangfei and reassign his title."

Things started going against Liu Changsheng's plans. He did not want to be the Xiang Wangfei anymore. But he didn't know how to oppose the emperor's shadow guard master.

"Duan jie." He brought back the call he used to have as politeness for the woman. "I do not expect to be the Xiang Wangfei anymore. Please let me leave from the palace. I want to find my mother and spend the rest of my life reconciling with her."

"Shengsheng." The affectionate name regular to the Xiang Wang reached Liu Changsheng's ears as a whisper. But he paid no heed to it. He would be a fool to fall for this man thrice. Even though he wasn't the only one responsible for his suffering.but he has a part to contribute in it. And he could not find it in himself to get hurt again. He can live with the love he has in his heart.

"Okay. But you can only leave after the execution of concubine Du. Zhen decrees it."

He had nothing to say against the emperor's decree. Now too he was bound to be doomed under an emperor's decree. But he said to himself that he would stay. He has to find one more answer in Dachen.

Dachen's territory was long along the north sea. A dangerous and steep cliff named Xuanhua cliff encircled it. The cliff was so dangerous that if anyone stands in front of it and looks down they would see no end to it. Only hearing the sound of waves breaking at the foot of the cliff will be the only sound.

It was around this place that Liu Changsheng ended his life. And right now he was standing in front of the same place. This is the third time he's standing here.

And he hopes this time he won't have to die again too.

The hooves of a horse sounded behind him alerting his senses. But the aura was familiar to him. So he didn't worry.

A woman jumped down from her horse and stood by Liu Changsheng's side. "This place is quite meaningful for you."

The newcomer exclaimed.

"It should be. This is where I died."

The woman looks at him. Maybe wondering if he dies how he's standing here. She didn't have to know the lifetimes Liu Changsheng lived. The lifetimes he held hope and broke again.

"Liu Gongzi. Are you not going to the execution?" She was curious. "I thought you would feel it necessary to see in with your own eyes."

Liu Changsheng shakes his head.

"I'm tired of seeing death left and right."

Maybe slowly he became close to the shadow guard standing by his side. The hate he held within for this woman somehow evaporated to leave a numb sensation of familiarity. After all he has lived with this woman for three years in the same palace. If the fourth prince was to contend for the throne she was to be the furen.

After the hate has dissipated only a sense of generosity remained. He thought she can have the fourth prince, and they both can leave him alone. And he would be the happiest man. Maybe not the happiest, because he has forgot that feeling.

The woman sighed. She has seen a long palace life and enough deaths to become numb to it. And she knew this man beside him was worth protecting. But the palace life took his innocence away. The palace took his happiness away, and what remains is a shell of a man who only wants a life away from them.

"I found who ordered the massacre of Liu jia."

Liu Changsheng's face shot towards the direction of her.

"It was the sect master of Mifeng."

"Mifeng? Ying Lianying?"

She looks at him and says nothing. For she knew he was clever enough to join the dots and find the truth.

"But why?"

"You will know, Liu Gongzi."

They both went back to the palace seperately. Both drowned in their own thoughts. The palace has quieted down after the chaos that is the execution. And everyone has went back to their own duty.

Liu Changsheng sat under the new peony in his new courtyard in the Xiang Wang's palace. He felt calm and serene. He felt one with the nature. On the opposite side of the pond he saw a shrine. In particular the shrine he saw Duan Jiali entering that night.

He couldn't contain his curiosity and he went there. Only to find his own memorial tablet along with his brothers', his father's sitting there. A bowl of incense burning constantly, giving the shrine a serene feeling.

"This is my temple."


The pair of dark eyes looked at Liu Changsheng's, hoping that one day the owner of those mesmerizing eyes would call him lao gong again.

Hello hello hello!!
What's up peeps? So it was supposed to be up yesterday as I planned.... Well rather I thought I planned, but then I just realised that I didn't even schedule the update!! Damn my fish brain!!

So yeah that's what happened and now here I am updating it and posting while working on a project because I'm just so unmindful at times!

Please comment down how you like this chapter... Or not, if that's the case!

And let's wait for the next chapter because I'm kinda enjoying the process! I'm also working on another story in which the character drafts are prepared! I'm just fine tuning the plot and then I'll get to work....

So that's it for today... See you in the next chapter!

All the love
C 💕

Also please don't forget to vote!! ⭐⭐

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