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The Xiang Wang held his husband closer to his bosom after a passionate evening in their bedroom. Hong Daqing held the beautiful face in between his palms and looked at the beauty as if Liu Changsheng hung the sun and moon.

"My Wangfei! I absolutely adore you, you know that?"

Liu Changsheng's face lit up listening to the the sudden confession. But he couldn't do anything but to be mesmerized by his husband.

"Shengsheng, can you tell me why were you so scared of him? I remember you were the same last time in the people's gathering. Can you tell husband?"

Liu Changsheng couldn't bring himself to say it out loud. He couldn't forget the night he spent outside the bed chamber.

"Won't you tell me?"

"I'm scared. If I have to spend the night outside again?"

Just how much of an evil person was he? Did he punish him by leaving him outside? Hong Daqing kept repeating in his heart!

"It's okay. Tell me. I promised you that I will never hurt you, remember?"

"He, he..... That Luo Guang, he touched me. It hurt so bad."

"And I punished you?"

"You didn't even listen to my explanation." Liu Changsheng couldn't contain himself anymore. He burst out into hard sobs. The suppressed feelings he held in for two lifetimes finally burst out in front of the person he wanted to know his feelings. "Only the peony listened."

"Shh. Shh. Shh. It's okay. I'm here now. I won't let you get hurt anymore. This time I'll listen to everything you have to say." And I'll make that man pay for even thinking about hurting you. This is what he didn't say out loud. Because Liu Changsheng didn't have to know.

Because he'll make that man pay with all the pain he cost his husband. He'll make him pay with even more pain.

"Shengsheng. Can you try to forget. This time it didn't happen. And I won't let it happen!" He held the man in his embrace as if he'll disappear if he didn't hold him as tight. "I'll help you forget. I'll replace all his touches with mine. I'll help you remember only me. Will you let me? Because I know if I let anything happen to you I won't be able to forgive myself. Will you let me help you?"

Hong Daqing kept repeating the same words like a broken gong. Because he knew he can't see his Shengsheng broken with all the pain he went through once, all the pain he doesn't deserve. And to some extent he was to blame. Because he let everything go down south. He let his anger and nativity get the best of him and let his husband slip away from himself. He didn't know what he did. But he could tell whatever he did wasn't the right thing to do.

The fragile human being in his embrace could see all the turmoil in his husband's eyes. And he knew exactly what the older man was thinking.

"Lao gong." It felt right for him to call his husband that. "It's all in the past now."

Liu Changsheng uses his fingers to wipe the stray tear that managed to get away from the pheonix eyes.

"You know, I was so confused at first when I learnt that you punished Luo Guang with Lingqi. I was surprised why you would use that method. And never let me know. I was angry at you. I was so mad that I wanted to storm at you and shout at you everything that I had to say. But I understand you now. You couldn't risk putting me in even more danger than I already was.

"And I forgave you the moment I learnt how you sacrificed your right to the throne because you didn't want me to someday go through the pain of seeing you assassinated by some contender of the throne. Because that is how it is. And you put yourself in danger just to find the remains of the Liu family and make that shrine for them. I forgave you when I learnt that you protected my da ge as much as you could.

"I understand how hard it was for you. To pretend to be away from me to protect me. I may have been naive to not consider your efforts, but I wasn't blind, you know."

Then as if a sudden memory came to him. His eyes flashed with remembrance.

"You know, I believed that I really killed your heir. I couldn't even forgive myself, thinking that I ruined your chance to the throne."

Hong Daqing was surprised to listen to that.

"My heir?"

"Yes. Concubine Duan was carrying your heir."

"Duan Jiali?" The prince frowns. As if something does not feel right."I would never touch her. I don't even think of her that way."

"But she does. And she agreed to everything you asked her to do. Just like faking carrying your heir."

The thought that he was a really evil man was fixating in the fourth prince's heart bit by bit. "I did that to someone who holds that sentiment towards me?"

"Wangye. Everything you did has a reason. So don't think about it anymore. I'm telling you about this because I know you are not that same person. And I want you to know that I trust you. That I will always believe you only if you just tell me what's in your heart. And we can form the purest pair as grandma once told me.

"I want you to be the same as you were before. The same person who saved me from the bandits. The same curious man who would follow me only to ask me for a meal as a favor for saving me. I want you to be the same cheerful man who wouldn't hesitate come aboard a marchant ship only to meet me. And I want you to love me just like you started.

"Because I know now that it's not a coincidence that you always carry a peony with you whenever you meet me. Because you once told me, you don't like peonies, you just like me."

And the love they showered in together, was pure. It was honest, affectionate and passionate. It was just as it was supposed to be.

Everything else can wait for a day more to get their attention.

Hello my precious pandas!! How are you guys doing? I'm back with another chapter and finally this story is coming to an end!

So lately I've been trying to write an Mpreg and I kinda like the story too! So I thought maybe I could ask my precious readers if you guys would like to read an Mpreg from me!!

Or else I also have another story I'm quite far along at!

So let me know in the comments which one would you like?

Also this story is coming to an end soon! So the new story update will follow in a few days for you guys to look forward to! Hope you like this story and the ones to come in future!

So that's it for now! See you in the next chapter!

All the love
C 💕

And please don't forget to vote!! ⭐⭐

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