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Hello lovely pandas.....
The journey with Empress Liu has been quite eventful so far.....

So now that it's coming to an end I would like to talk about some things I always wanted to say...

When I started writing this story I wasn't expecting so much out of it... I just started because the idea came suddenly and I just felt like putting it out there... But I never thought that it would somehow reach 98k! There's been some wonderful people who gave me ideas and even pointed out what should have been an awesome idea to execute a story like this!

I'm very thankful for having such awesome readers who don't shy away from telling me if there's a grammar mistake or if there's a word I spelt wrong.... Also those who got concerned for my health and wellbeing... Being who I am and not having anyone to tell me to eat on time when I'm burried under workload, taking care of everything all by myself, my readers have been my rock...

I want all of you guys to prosper in your own life as well as be happy and be who you are unapologetically. Because it's you who will always be there by your side.... And when no one else is there for you, it's you who have to... Be your own rock... Be unapologetic..... You don't always have to be strong, because being able to be weak in this current world takes a certain amount of strength too.... And if ever there's a time that you're feeling like you can't survive the storm you're going through right now, think back to everything that you survived.... Remember, everything you got through were supposed to break you, but instead you got through them, looked life in the eye and said, "Not today.".....

I want everyone out there to be proud of who you are, what you survived and how you're living your life... Be proud of every single one of your achievements and lessons, no matter how small... Remember small ripples start a big wave...

If today you're regretting something about you did last week, you'd keep regretting next week for regretting today and not seizing the day!

In the end I just wanna tell you how I live my life by the principle.... Make each day count....

That'll be all for the end... And those who are going to read the book way after I finish, I want you to know you are just as important!

I want to acknowledge every single one of you but I don't really remember everyone! So I'm sorry if I couldn't mention you! But I love you all my precious gems, just as much as I love my silent readers!

So I'm going to mention some people who has always been there and inspired me a lot and been very interactive!

miragesghda thank you so much for you immense support and input! The bond we've got after meeting here is really awesome!

Mystic_Lyra thanks so much for being my first reader and encouraging me to go on with the story! You're an awesome younger sister!

mochilatte16 thank you so much for your suggestions! And being an awesome support!

VanessaKareha thank you so much for being such a supportive refer and straight out awesome! If I'm being honest I always looked forward to your comments on each chapter! Keep smiling!

LoveWritingBl hello there lovely human! Thank you so much for supporting me... I hope you're having a beautiful day with your gremlins!

Some others I met and grew to love are lennaa
Thank you so much for your support!

So that's it for the ending credits! See you in a new story!

All the love
C 💕

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